Chapter Thirty Two: Little Game

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November 3rd, Monday

Your POV

I walked down the street with my group behind me and Kyle by my side.
The school appeared behind the few trees in the front by the sidewalk where we were walking.

"So what's the plan?" Jemma asked me.
I turned to her with a devilish look on my face.
The shadow had talked to her and she told him why she didn't trust us before. She was expecting us but didn't know if it was actually us, she believes us now.

"Do not fall in love or become close with anyone," I replied.

  Everyone nodded and we continued walking.
We walked into the school as a group, everyone turned and looked at us but it was mainly me for some reason. I didn't recognize any of these people and we just walked past all of them without making eye contact with any of them.
I stopped at the top of the first flight of stairs.

"Can anyone be so kind as to direct us to Mrs. Okami's class?" I asked.
The students looked around confused.

"We'll find it on our own then." I walked up the next flight of stairs and down a hallway with classrooms.
A woman with ocean blue eyes and long blonde hair stood in one of the classrooms.
I walked in and looked at her.

She looked up at me.

"Ah, Y/N. You're early," She replied.
I looked at her confused.

"How do you know my name?" I asked her.
She put her glasses on and looked at me again.

"I'm sorry I must have you confused with someone else, are you the new students?"

"Yes," Bella replied before I could speak.

"Do you know where we can find Mrs. Okami's class?" Auri~San asked her.

"I am Mrs Okami, and this is my classroom. You're in the right spot," She replied.

"Where should we sit?" Kyle asked sternly.

"In the back will be fine," Mrs Okami replied.
We walked to the back of the class and sat down on the desks.
I watched the doors closely.
Okami left a few moments later leaving us alone.

"Does everyone have the list of people we need to keep an eye on?" I asked.
They all nodded.

   I noticed there was a class photo on the wall. I walked over and looked at it. All the students that we saw downstairs were in it. The two boys I saw on the train were on there too.
The blonde one had his arm around a girls shoulder. I looked closely at the girl and noticed she looked exactly like me. Other girls were surrounded around her. Three of them all had brown hair and blonde highlights but with different hair styles and facial features. One girl with pink hair was standing next to one of the boys I saw on the train, the one with the rabbit ears. Another boy with black hair had his arm wrapped around a girl's neck. Her hair was as black as a coal and her purple eyes brought out her pale face. Seated in front of the other boy I saw on the train, the one with the strawberry blonde hair, had long purple hair. Her left eye was a light and dark yellow and her other eye was covered by a beautiful, bloomed pink flower.

"She looks like you." Jemma said, pointing to the girl who looked like me.

"It's probably just some girl that has the same appearance as me," I replied.
We all sat down again and about a minute later a bell rang and students started walking into the classroom along with Mrs Okami.

"Good morning class! We have some new students today, would you please introduce yourselves?" Mrs Okami asked.
Jemma stood first and told the class about herself.
Next went Bella, Auri~San, and Silenca.
Kyle and I stayed seated with our arms crossed.

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