Chapter Twenty: Talk with Mom

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October 8th, Sunday
24 days until Halloween
23 until the Harvest Dance
6:03 am
Your POV

"Hey Mom,"
I was still wearing my pajamas and robe as I walked up to my kitchen table where my mom set a plate with F/B on it.

"Morning sweetie," She replied.

She had bags under her eyes as she gave me a weak smile. She was obviously working late last night. I hadn't seen her when I got home from shopping with Yuki.
She sat down across from me with her cup of coffee in her hand.

"I wanted to talk." She told me.

"About what?" I asked with a curious look in my eyes.

"Grian," She replied.

  I took another bite of my breakfast and looked up at her.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"I just want to know he's the one,"

  I bit my lip and didn't say anything.

"I trust Grian, you should too." I told her.

  To be honest I was a bit mad she didn't trust Grian even though she's met him and can obviously tell we're close friends, possibly even more.

"How well do you know him?" She asked.

"I know lots of things about him," I replied.

"Like what?"

           ~Time Skip~

  My mom let out a laugh when I finished telling her about Grian.

"I can see why you like him." She told me, smiling.
I gave her a weak smile.
She smiled back at me.

"Why don't you call him and see if he would like to come over for dinner?" She suggested.

I smiled at her and ran upstairs to grab my phone.

Sorry I unpublished but I made an error
Thank you Kate~Chan
Anyway, sorry short
Next chapter will be long
May be a lot of chapters may be lack of chapters
Depends how much I get done on the plane...
(Going on vacation)
Gtg now bai!
(Holy crap this is when I went to Vegas xd)
~Lila W.

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