Chapter Sixteen: Plans for Halloween

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         Y/N's POV


    I walked downstairs already in my uniform.
My hair was pulled back in a ponytail to keep it out of my face.
     I could already smell my moms' delicous cooking.

"Good morning, Mom."
She greeted me with a smile.

"You seem cheerful."
She pointed out.
   I felt my cheeks flush red in embarrassment.

    I sat down at our small wooden table as Mom placed F/B infront of me.

(Favorite breakfast, if its not pancakes or french toast you're dead to me)

"I'm excited to go to school," I replied before taking a bite of my F/B.

"To see a certain boy?" She asked, smiling.

"Is it bad I want to spend time with my friends?" I asked.

"Which friends would those be?" She asked, still smiling.

"Lil~Chan, Freya, and Kate~Chan,"

"Maybe the boys," I whispered, hoping she wouldn't hear me.

"All righty then,"

~Time skip brought to you by Funimation ads~

   I had finished my breakfast and made my walk to school.
    There I met up with all my buddies and we walked to class together.
  Mrs Okamis' class was the same as usual, I did notice Grian kept looking at me. But not like staring or watching in a creepy way it was more like, admiring.
   I found it kind of relaxing but it did make my face go red, or I guess what people call it, blush.
    After Mrs Okamis' class we went to lunch where I had invited Sam, Grian, and Taurtis to join my friends and I. J joined us as well, I guess he didn't want to be alone.
~Lunch conversation~

  "So Halloween is coming up guys." Sam started the new conversation.
Everyone nodded excitedly.

  "So what are you guys going as?" Lil~Chan asked.



"Street fighter,"

"Twinsies with Sam,"


    Everyone turned to the girls and I.

Kate~Chan told us.

"I was thinking a DJ," Lil~Chan spoke.

  "Maybe add some colorful highlights and we can get you an awesome DJ outfit, I can help." Yuki told her.

  Lil~Chan smiled. Everyone then looked at Freya.

"I was thinking maybe an anime girl," She told us.

  Everyones' attention was on me now.

  "I was thinking a medevil woman," I told them nervously. 
    I saw Grian stiffen beside me. 

"Maybe you can be one of those independent samurai women from the 12th century," Chan suggested.

  "I was thinking more of the slaves in England, during the feudalism times,"
I replied.

  Everyone just accepted what I said and started planning for Halloween, getting creative.
  Grian nor I spoke to each other, not once, for the rest of the day.


444 words that's not so bad.
   So this is more of a filler chapter.
It's October 4th in the story btw. And don't go yelling at me because the dates don't line up with the Calender, this is a Fictional story.
    Jokes on them Halloween passed xd
If I was there they'd just look at me then Sam xd.

  Xd fangirls can dream
(Jokes on me I'm living my dreams right now)
~Lila W.

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