Chapter Twenty Five: The answer

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October 13th, Saturday
19 days until Halloween
18 days until Harvest Dance

             ~Your POV~

   I woke up with Grian by my side wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt.
   Me on the other hand, had my normal pajamas.
I got up from the floor and out of the bedroom.
Chan and Taurtis were staying in the living room watching movies together all night til I think three am. You know those people who are having a Netflix and Chill and it's three am and they want to watch one more episode, yeah they're those types of people.
   Anyway, Yuki and Sam stayed in Yuki's room.
I think they just talked about life.
   And finally, Grian and I. We stayed in Sookie and Soul's room.
    As I was thinking all of this to myself, I was now in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone.

"I hope they like french toast." I mumbled to myself.
Within about ten minutes, Taurtis and Chan were awake and were ready to have actual food that wasn't popcorn, but still exhausted at the same time.

  You're probably wondering what happened between Grian and I last night.
We did exchange one passionate kiss and of course Taurtis was there to take a photo or video tape it, whatever he was doing.
We didn't really talk about the whole, boyfriend girlfriend thing. I had decided I wanted to take him to the movies today and depending on how it goes, I might say yes to being his girlfriend. I want the moment to be perfect so I gotta find a good movie
suitable for that kind of moment.

"Morning guys," I looked up and saw Grian standing before me.

"Grian, hey!" I said, with an excited tone of voice.

"You seem cheerful." My eyes darted to where I heard the familiar voice and saw Sam walking over.

"I'm in a good mood, that's all," I replied.

"Where's Yuki?" Chan asked him.

"Sleeping, girl refuses to wake up," Sam replied.
I let out a laugh.

"You're making breakfast for us?" Grian asked.
I nodded in return.

"Thanks," He scratched the back of his neck.

Within seconds Taurtis already had the whole thing recorded.
I could tell he was trying to make small talk, we haven't been talking as much after I told him I wanted to talk to Yuki and Chan about the whole relationship thing.
I finished the french toast and put five plates out.
Taurtis, Chan, and Sam didn't hesitate to eat. Grian was about to eat but I stopped him.

"Hey Grian, can we talk alone for a minute?" I asked.

"Sure," He replied. I gestured for him to follow me into the garage where Sookie's blue car was.

"What did you want to talk about?" Grian asked, hope in his eyes.
  I knew immediately what he wanted me to say.

"I wanted to go see a movie or three with you then go out to dinner and talk about, us." I explained.

"Sounds good," He replied happily before giving me a quick peck on the cheek and walking back into the kitchen.

I followed after him and saw Yuki eating some french toast with Sam by her side on the couch. Taurtis and Chan were still in the kitchen, having their own conversation.
    Grian and I joined them, except I didn't join the conversation. I was looking at movie dates.
Alice through looking glass at twelve.
Warcraft at three fifty pm
Finding Dory at seven pm

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