Chapter Thirty Three

532 17 13

November 4th, Tuesday night

Sam's POV

My body was relaxed and comfortable until I woke up and found myself seated on a red velvet chair with golden railings.
A similiar chair was beside me, leaving some space between the two.
A lit fireplace was in front of me. The fireplace was old fashioned and made out of old stone bricks.
On the fireplace's mantle there were two red lit candles spreading an awful scent to the room. The candles were placed on both sides of the mantle.
Above the mantle there was a proffesional painting. The painting was dark and gloomy.
You could make out the figure of a man in all black in a buttoned up suit. Behind him there was a manor but only a small portion of it as it was cut off by the frame's size.
The frame had a golden edge and was in a weird shape and curves on the corners.
I finally listened to my surroundings instead of looking.
Soft whispers could be heard behind me.
I stood up and turned towards the other side of the room.
A group of girls were talking or planning something.

"Where am I?"
I said aloud.

I took a few steps forward and away from the fireplace.
The girls didn't speak.
"Welcome Sam, we weren't expecting you so early."

I turned around and saw Y/N sitting on the chair I was just seated in, her elbow rested on the arm rest.
I spoke.
She stood up and looked at me, a sick smile on her face.

"You killed Chan."
Is all I said.

"Oh yes, and it was quite fun too,"
She replied, twirling her knife.

I wanted to kill her right now and end it all here.
But I couldn't. Y/N was still in there. This isn't Y/N.
This is a monster, and she's dating another monster.
"Oh Sam, please do join us for another murder tonight."
I reconized that voice from Kyle. I looked to where I heard his voice and noticed he was seated on the other chair, looking up to the painting.

"I don't plan on it,"
I replied.

A shadowy figure stormed into the room. His figure was ghastly and black, or full of darkness. His eyes glowed bright red.
"Ah, Sam. It's a pleasure to meet you at last."
He greeted me.

I scowled at him and didn't say anything.
"Why am I here?"
I finally spoke.

"Sam, can't you tell? There are two sides of you,"
He replied.


Bella walked forward and smiled at me.
"You're one of us Sam."
She whispered.

Auri~San walked forward next, a sick smile on her face.
"Remember how you loved Sookie and you would do anything to make her love you back, including murdering Soulowl."
She said to me.

I felt my hands shaking. My body quivered. It was true, I did try to poison Soul but I accidentally poisoned Sookie instead.
I even dressed up as a girl to try and get Sookie to love me.
Nothing worked.

Jemma stepped forward next and looked me straight in the eye.
"Don't you want revenge, Sam?"
Jemma asked me.

Kyle was now infront of me now.
"You can kill them, right now."
He told me.

The taste for blood seemed satisfying. To have their blood on your hands. To know they're not here anymore. To stop the suffering. To end the pain.
Blood is red. Red is a pretty color.
Pretty color...

A knife was placed in my hand by Y/N and I smiled, a sick and dastardly smile.
The shadowy figure looked at me.
"Welcome Sam,"

I felt my eyes burn and change. Before me a red light shone.
"Y/N and Kyle, take Sam to Yuki's, Sookie's, and Soul's home. Sam, you are the closest with Yuki. If anything is to go wrong with Yuki showing up, distract her and Y/N and Kyle will bring Sookie and Soul somewhere. You get the pleasure in killing them,"
The shadowy figure explained.

"What about us?"
Silenca asked.

"I'll tell you after these three leave,"
He replied.

Kyle, Y/N, and I slowly disappeared and then appeared in the familiar home.
I walked up the stairs into Sookie and Soul's bedroom.
Kyle and Y/N followed me.
"Pull them out of bed and hold your knifes to their necks, I'll do the rest."
I ordered.
Kyle dragged Sookie out of bed and Y/N dragged Soul.
They immediately woke up, frightened.

"Don't scream."
Kyle ordered.

I walked up to them with a sick smile plastered against my face.
"My revenge is finally here."
I said aloud.

"Sam! Why are you doing this?"
Sookie asked me.

My eyes stared deeply into hers. My heartless soul showed no emotion on the inside nor the outside.

"You caused this Sookie..."
I whispered.

I looked at Soul who was shivering in fear.
I plunged the knife into her flesh, I pulled my knife out as Y/N quickly slit her throat and she fell limp to the ground.
I looked to Sookie next.
"I enjoyed that."

"You just murdered her!"
Sookie quietly yelled.

"Goodbye Sookie."
I plunged the knife through her heart.
Kyle slit her throat slowly and she started coughing up blood and she fell to the ground.

"Goodbye Sookie..."

888 words that's pretty good
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Three people are now dead
Who will die next?
Comment down below and don't cheat :)
~Lila W.

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