Chapter Three: Weird new kids

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          Y/N's POV

  I quickly ran into Mrs Okami's class, late.
This was the first time I was late this school year, it had been about two months since I transferred here.
During that time period, I've become friends with everyone in the school.
I was closer with Yuki, Chan, Sookie, and Soul. Girl friends forever!
It was nice to have friends after all this time, but I became good friends with Sam, Taurtis, Grian, and J.
  I would take turns eating lunch with the girls and the guys. When I ate with the girls, I was able to talk about girl things with them and admire hot anime guys with them. What I liked about this group of girls is that they never gossip, spread rumors, or think they're better than everyone else. And more importantly, they don't judge gays. Since Sookie and Soul are dating, they seemed happy together all the time. I wish I had someone who looked at me the way they did to each other.

  After exchanging glances with everyone, I sat down in my seat beside Grian who's face flushed red immediately.
I looked up to where Mrs Okami was standing along with three girls I've never seen before.

"Good morning class! Today we have three new exchange students. Would you care to tell something about yourself to us, girls?" Mrs Okami asked, again with that positive smile on her face.
I hated that most of the time, but it made her a great teacher.

All the girls had brown hair, surprisingly.
One of the girls stepped forward. She too, hadn't gotten her uniform yet like I did. She was wearing navy jeans, a white tank top, and a gray sweater that was zipped up all the way, showing no cleavage.

"Konnichiwa! My name is Katherine but my friends prefer to call me Kate~Chan! I am from North America, I love anime and mangas, and it's always been my dream to study in Japan then become a voice actor for Funimation!" She curtsied and looked to Mrs Okami.

"Thank you Kate~Chan!
You may have a seat behind Y/N!" She told Kate~Chan and then pointed to where I was.

Kate~Chan walked over to her new seat and sat down, smiling at me.
I held my hand out to her.

"My name's Y/N, welcome to Akademi High."
I said to her.

She shook my hand and replied with a "thank you."
In my opinion, Kate~Chan seemed really bubbly but definitely kind. Maybe we'll be good friends.

  Before the next girl went up, I quickly scanned her appearance.
Her light brown hair stopped about two inches past her shoulders and she had a few bright blonde highlights.
Her eyes were light blue with a small mix of green.
She wore dark green skinny jeans and a green hoodie that matched it.

"Hi! My name is Freya, I am from London, England. I enjoy video games, school, anime, and drawing." She had an English accent, similar to Grian's and mine except mine was a mixture of French and English.

"Thank you Freya, you can have a seat where ever you like," Mrs Okami told her.

   Freya found a seat beside Kate~Chan in the back.
More seats had been added since I arrived, so at least there's room for new students.
Freya's light brown hair was very long, stopping barely past her hips.
One of her eyes was blue while the other was red, which I found strange but it could just be contacts.
  When Freya reached her seat we shook hands and introduced ourselves.
  The last girl stepped forward. Her hair was a light brown with a few blonde highlights, stopping at her shoulders. Her eyes were a beautiful ocean blue.

"Hi! My name is Lil~Chan and I am from North America as well. I love video games and I'm a massive internet nerd." She spoke happily, almost too happy.

"Thank you Lil~Chan. You can sit beside Freya." Mrs Okami told her.

"Okay time for role call!"

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