Chapter Thirty Seven

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Your POV

They didn't keep me in the hospital for long. I was lucky I didn't have to stay overnight. Grian explained to them I only fainted and he was scared. But a simple faint was nothing horrible. Watching yourself die is horrible.
In this entire day I've kissed the wrong guy, kissed the right guy, thought about murdering people, watched myself die, and end up in the hospital. What a great day for me!
It's pretty painful to watch yourself die and remember everything from your past life, the life you have now, and your cold hearted murderous life.
Grian walked me to my home, knowing my parents were probably worried sick about where I was.

"Thank you Grian, for walking me home."
I said to him, smiling.

"No problem,"
He replied, smiling.

It was pretty awkward between us due to the fact that I was sort of cheating on him but also, not. If that makes any sense.
I rang the doorbell and no body came. I tried knocking on the window but still, no one came.

"Maybe they're not home?"
Grian suggested.

"No, their daughter has been missing for awhile now. I think they'd be at home waiting for her to return,"

Something wasn't right, I could feel it.
I walked into my backyard through the side fence and saw the glass door that led into my home was shattered into thousands of sharp pieces.

"What happened here?"
I asked myself, mumbling under my breath.

I walked through the broken door, careful to not cut myself.
Grian followed closely behind me.
Roses were scattered across the ground, literally everywhere. Quiet violin music played, sending a warm feeling throughout my home.

"Stay silent."
I whispered.

I looked at the stairs and started walking up.

"Stay downstairs in the kitchen."
I ordered.

I walked up the soft stairs and to the second floor of my home. The music grew louder, making me curious as to who did all of this. There were three bedrooms. Our guest bedroom which was the first, my room was the next in the middle, and my parent's were on the far right.
I walked into the guest bedroom first and found nothing. I went to my room next, nothing but roses. Red roses everywhere.
I walked towards my parent's room and touched the cold knob, knowing whatever was behind this door was my answer.
I opened the door and walked into my parent's room and saw the radio where the music was playing. I looked to their bed and my hand flew to my mouth in shock as the clear and wet tears fell from my eyes and stained my cheeks as they rolled down onto the floor.
My parents lay on their bed, side by side with their hands held together.
Red rose petals scattered across their bodies. They were dead. I could tell just by looking at them.
My mom had a slit throat and cuts all up and down her arms. My father had his bare chest showing, which was covered in bloody cuts.
Their blood stained the white bedding below them.
I ran downstairs, more tears flying. Grian saw me running and I ran into his arms. He stroked my hair and held me close.
I explained to him what I found.

"I'm so sorry Y/N."
He said to me.

A few minutes later we called the police and they showed up not long after for inspection.
No murder weapon was found and people were questioned. There were no suspects because whoever did this left behind no evidence that it was them.
Grian and I left not long after the police were investigating.

"We need to put an end to this. An end to these murders."
I told him.

My tears were gone. I've shed every one. There were no more. There was nothing to cry over anymore. There was too much pain to cause me to cry.

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