Chapter Twenty Eight: Harvest Dance

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30 minutes until the Harvest Dance
One day until Halloween

Your POV

I walked down the stairs in my outfit for the Harvest Dance. I was wearing ripped worn out navy blue jeans with a cute brown belt along with a white tank top and a plad blue and white buttoned up long sleeved shirt.
I had tied the bottom of the loose shirt to look a lot more cute and easy to dance in.
I had pulled my hair up as well and only put on lip gloss for make up.
Grian waited at the bottom of the stairs in normal casual clothes, jeans and a short sleeved red shirt.
My mom ran out of the kitchen with her camera.

"Pose together! I need a photo!"
Grian and I locked our arms together and smiled as my mom took multiple photos.

"Okay mom, that's enough! Can Grian and I go now?"
She only sighed then smiled.

"Go ahead, just don't get too crazy," She replied.
I let out a laugh and turned back to Grian.

"Ready to go now? I have a surprise." He asked.
I smiled back at him.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

"Okay close your eyes,"
I closed my eyes and I felt his hands touch mine and lead me somewhere.
The cold autumm night air touched my skin.

"Okay, you can open them now."
My eyelids flew open and there before me I saw a black limousine before with a guy in all back holding the door open.
I smiled at Grian.

"Is this for us?"
I asked.

"What do you think?"
Grian asked me.

"This is amazing, thank you Grian!"
We shared a passionate kiss for a few moments and stepped back from each other.

"Ladies first."
The guy who I guessed was the driver said.
I got into the limousine still smiling followed by Grian.

"Surprise!" I jumped up scared out of my mind and saw Sam, Taurtis, Yuki, Chan, Freya, Lil~Chan, J, Kate~Chan, and two other guys I didn't recognize
were seated around me.
I let out a laugh and kept smiling.
I will admit I would like to go in a limousine by myself with Grian, but this isn't Prom and Homecoming so it's nice to spend time with friends.

"Y/N this is Alex,"
Lil~Chan told me.

"Nice to meet you,"
I replied, smiling.

"And who's this?"
I asked looking at the other guy seated beside Kate~Chan.
Kate~Chan beamed happily.

"This is Elijah,"
She replied.


~Time Skip~

Sam and Yuki walked through the school, arms locked.
Grian and I before them.
A photographer snapped a few photos of them, one of Sam and Yuki kissing.
They walked across the autumm orange and red carpet that was covered with some orange, yellow, and red leaves.
Grian and I walked up next, smiling bright.
The photographer got a couple of photos of us.
For the last one Grian picked me up and the photographer got a few more photos of us laughing then one of us kissing.
Grian and I walked off smiling.
The school was decorated with pumpkins, squash, brown corn, and lots of food.
Orange streamers were hung in the air.
Music blasted throughout the school, echoing.
Grian and I walked into the gymnasium smiling.
People around us danced happily.
Rowan was at the DJ station, playing tunes.

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