Chapter Thirty One: Recruiting

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Sam's POV

"What just happened?" I asked Grian while running.

"Y/N is from medevil Europe. She died trying to save her Lord and a demon gave him life again. He got locked away and needed someone to free him. He saw Y/N die at a young age, gave her a second chance at life only if she murdered enough people in cold blood to free him," Grian explained, still trying to run.
I took this all in, very confused but this world is weird.

"Where should we go?" I asked, trying to be safe before discussion.

"Let's take the train!"
We luckily had enough money to buy two train trickets.
There was surprisingly a lot of people on the train, mostly teenagers I didn't recognize.

"So you're telling me, that Y/N just turned into some type of demon and is going on a murderous rampage?" I asked.

"I wouldn't say demon she just has no control over her body," Grian replied.

About twenty minutes later we arrived in the other town.

"Why can't we just get the swat to take her in?" I suggested.

"It's not a bad idea but I'm not sure on what powers she has. I'm afraid to find out,"

Your POV (or is it You? O_O)

I walked down the streets wearing different clothes now.
I was wearing a white off the shoulder short sleeved shirt and loose jeans along with a plad jacket with fur on the edges of the hood.
I had my knife in my hand and I smiled with a devilish look when I saw the train station.
A shiver went down my spine and I saw the shadow next to me a moment later.

"Hello Y/N, I would like you to recruit a few people when you head home." He told me.
I only nodded my head once.

"You met them a few hours ago but you won't remember. I'll give you the address." The shadow explained.
He whispered the address in my ear and I walked off towards the train station.
I noticed the two boys I saw from earlier on the train as well.
They looked familiar, not from me just seeing them in that apartment. I feel as if I've met them before.
That didn't matter right now. I had to focus on recruiting these people.
When the train came to the stop I got off and walked towards the direction of where the shadow told me to go.
All this area looked familiar but I didn't remember where from.
I walked up to one house and knocked on the door.
A very attractive boy about my age answered the door and he gave me a smirk. I only returned it and looked into his one brown and one red eyes.

"Do you know why I'm here?" I asked sternly.

"You're here to recruit me," He replied.

He walked out of the house and shut the door and looked at me. I took a moment to take in his looks. His dirty blonde hair was all messy and he wore a casual outfit, similiar to mine.

"Come along we have three more girls." I told him.

We walked away from his house and to another one.
I rang the doorbell and a girl came to the door. Her curly blonde hair stopped midway on her skinny body and her ocean blue eyes brought out her face, along with her glasses.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"We're here to recruit you into a group that you are suitable for. Will you please join us?" The boy asked me.

"I don't know you so no," She replied.
I let out a loud sigh and took out my knife and started twirling it.

"Come with us now or die." I said, in a harsh tone.
She looked at us with fear in her eyes.
I sighed again.

"Grab her." I ordered.
The boy grabbed her and put some cloth or something to her face. She immediately passed out.

"She'll be one of us soon." I told the boy.
"Anyone else?" The boy asked.

"Yeah we have two more girls, let's take her somewhere first," I replied.
Immediately the shadow appeared in front of us.

"I'll have to take a look at her if she's not one of us. I can take it from here, you two work well together." The shadow told us.
We only nodded once.

"I see you've met Kyle." The shadow said.
I turned to the boy.

"Kyle huh?"

"That's the name that was given to me, eighteen years ago," He replied.
I only nodded and turned back to the shadow who was now holding the girl.

"We'll be heading off now, goodbye." I said before walking off and putting the knife back in my pocket.
We walked up to the next house and knocked on the door.
A girl with short curly brown hair and brown cat ears answered the door. Her eyes were a dark chocolate brown as well.

"May I help you?" She asked.

"Please don't be difficult like the last girl and come with us now." I spoke first.
Kyle was holding his knife in his hand and my eyes were staring into her eyes.

"Oh I've been expecting you, I'll be right out," She replied before walking off.

"I never got your name." Kyle was the one who spoke.

"Its Y/N," I replied.
That was the only thing I really knew about myself, besides my age.

"Nice name." He stated.
I only rolled my eyes.
The girl came back out with a black backpack.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yep," She replied.

"Come on then," Kyle was getting impatient.
We walked away from the house.

"What's your name?" Kyle asked the girl.

"Bella," She replied.

"Let's just get this last recruit." I said annoyed. We weren't here to become friends with each other.

The next girl, Auri~San, had long wavy brown hair and ocean blue eyes.
The shadow came and gave us one more person to recruit, we were on our way to recruit her now.

"Are you Silenca?" I asked the girl.

"Yes," She replied.
I took in a moment to look at her appearance.
She had one red eye and one brown eye, similar to Kyle's but not exactly the same. Her hair was also long dark brown.

"Do you know who we are?" I asked.
I was getting quite bored doing all this recruiting.
Hopefully I'll get some action in a little bit.

"Yeah I'm already ready, let's go," She replied before walking out.

"You did well, Y/N." The shadow said to me.
I only nodded my head in return.
I looked around at all the people I had recruited. I was quite happy with all the girls but we do need more boys.

"Remember this is your new home now, your families and friends are nothing now." The Shadow explained.
I didn't really care.
I had no family or friends I remembered.
These guys would probably become my insane ones.

"You will all go to the nearby school and stay as a group and learning everything there is to the people there, preferably their weak and strong areas," He went on.
We only nodded our heads.

"Y/N will show you to your rooms," He finished.
Everyone followed me out of the large room as the shadow stared into the flames of the fireplace.
I led everyone to their rooms.
Which was strange, I had no idea as to how I knew my way around here or how I knew the shadow. It was just me and Kyle now.

"This is your room." I told him.

"Thanks," He replied.
His room was across from mine.

I turned to face him.

He didn't say anything, I was about to turn away again when I felt my body pushed against a wall and lips on mine. I knew it was Kyle and wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him back.

~Lila W.

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