Authors Note

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Not important, you can ignore this

Sorry for lack of chapters
Katie~Sama has kinda moved in with me XD
So we've been up all night and sleeping all day
Omg sounds like Vegas
And if you're wondering for you dirty minds, NO WE'RE WATCHING HORROR GAMES
Anyway, I've been tired and have been taking a break from writing
I'm rewatching Yandere High for some ideas for my Samgladiator x Reader
I also have multiple ideas for Taurtis x Reader even though I ship him with Shannon/Salex
Chapters will return soon
I also have writers block
Trying to think of ideas for chapters
And I found my notebook with my main story in there I've been working on over a year now
Which will also pull me away
I was thinking work on that story on weekends
And I'm also working on my story Roadtrip, which is like my friends and I
That one might not take me away from Grian x Reader
So I want you guys to vote
Samgladiator x Reader or Taurtis x Reader first
Hope you have a wonderful day! I'm off to go binge read through a bunch of warrior cat books XD

Sorry for lack of chaptersKatie~Sama has kinda moved in with me XD So we've been up all night and sleeping all day Omg sounds like VegasAnd if you're wondering for you dirty minds, NO WE'RE WATCHING HORROR GAMESAnyway, I've been tired and have bee...

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Also this happened
Not the best quiz cause it didn't even ask what his worst fear was
Which is the same as mine that = awesomeness
Bai now!
~Lila W.

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