Chapter Twenty One: Dinner with Grian and Mom

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    October 9th, Monday
5:50 pm
23 days until Halloween
22 until the Harvest Dance

                     Your POV

  Grian sadly couldn't come to dinner last night because of some things he had to take care of but he was free tonight.
I didn't know what my mom was making, she said it was a surprise.
I had already finished all my homework and other things like taking a shower, do my hair, pick out a nice outfit, and stuff.
   My mom and I told Grian to come at 6:30. It was currently 5:55 now so we still had awhile.
I decided to go help mom before Grian came.

              Grian's POV

   It was currently 5:50 and I was leaving the apartment where Sam, Taurtis, and I lived. We sadly lived in the other town so it would take me awhile to get to Y/N's house.

"Sam! Taurtis! I'm leaving!" I called.

  Our landlord finally fixed up the building a bit so our apartment was expanded with a few extra rooms.
Just as I was about to leave, Sam and Taurtis ran up to me.

"Grian! You should totally go buy something for Y/N!" Taurtis told me.

"Yeah dude! Yuki told me she likes (Favorite flower F/F)"
Sam told me.

"Good to know," I replied, giving them a weak smile.

  I walked out of the apartment and down the stairs, when I remembered the train and started running.

           ~Time Skip~

The train came to a stop and I quickly got off and ran to the store.
Pufferfishpete was just about to close shop.

"Wait!" I yelled.

Pufferfishpete turned around and I ran right past him and into the store.

"Make it quick." He grumbled.

I saw Y/N's favorite flowers and grabbed them immediately.
I handed them to Pete and pulled out my wallet.

"These for a certain girl?" He asked.

I nodded my head at him as I pulled my money out of my wallet.

"It's free, now go." He told me.

I thanked him and ran out with the flowers. I didn't want to ruin them so I tried to speed walk as I looked at the time on my phone.

'I can't be late!' I thought to myself.

                Your POV

  I paced back in forth in my living room with my mom sitting on one of our couches waiting paitiently for Grian.
He was already ten minutes late.

"He'll be here, don't worry." She told me.
That didn't stop me from worrying.

'What if he doesn't come?'
I thought to myself.

  Moments later I heard our doorbell ring and I ran over to our door and opened it to find Grian standing there with flowers.
I soon realized they were my favorite flowers.

"Hey sorry I'm late." He told me, trying to smile.

  I smiled back at him and turned to see my mom behind me.

"Oh hello Ms. (L/N last name)." Grian said to my mother, still trying to smile.

"Please, call me Jeri," She replied.

"Come on in Grian."

Grian looked at me after I spoke and walked in my house.
I gestured him to follow me to the dining room where dinner was laid out with wine glasses full of ice cold water. Accept my mom had wine in hers.

            ~Time Skip~

"Thank you for dinner, Jeri." Grian told my mom with a smile on his face.

"No problem Grian, I'm glad we could have you over," She replied.
I smiled at them both.

"It's quite late, Grian, would you like to spend the night here?" My mom asked him.

I stiffened a bit in my seat and looked worriedly at Grian.

"That's not necessary," Grian replied.

"Nonsense! I insist!"

I turned to Grian again.
Grian turned to the window and looked outside to see it was almost pitch black.

"I-I guess, I can ask Sam and Taurtis to bring my uniform and homework." Grian told us. I gave him a weak smile.

"Grian can stay in the guest bedroom." I told my mom. She nodded in agreement.

"Then it's settled! You two may stay up watching movies if you would like to," My mom told us.

We nodded and smiled at each other.
My mom took our plates and Grian and I stood up and walked into the living room.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I forgot!" Grian cried running over to our small coffee table where the flowers he was holding from earlier were. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile.

"These are for you." He told me.
  I took them and smiled at him. I set the flowers in a vase full of water and turned back to Grian.
Our eyes locked and we stood there in silence.
He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

"Awh! My baby is all grown up!" I quickly pulled away from Grian and saw my mom standing there with a camera.

"Mom!" I yelled.

She ran off and locked herself in the bathroom, me chasing after her.

"Mom! No one needs to see that!" I yelled.

I could hear Grian laughing behind me. I turned around and looked at him with an annoyed look.

"I'll let you go, just this once." I told my mom before gesturing Grian to follow me upstairs.


I thought this chapter was adorable
Grian was being one of those really sweet boyfriends who respect women
  Y/N and Jeri show quite a good bond. I know from having two moms, wait no.
Five moms XD
And reading a lot, this is how mothers and daughters will act
And the Dad is out of the picture still?
Good he wasn't there cause boys and dads....
(I would know my five brothers and Dad are insane)
   Well goodbye
Excuse my rambles
~Lila W.

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