Chapter Five: Embarassing photo

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                                                                             Grian's POV

    I woke up startled at first, surprised the next, and scared afterwards. I was startled because I woke up on a couch in Y/N's house, I was surprised to see Y/N sleeping with her head on my lap, and scared as to how we got this way.

Her mom walked in smiling.

"Y/N! Wake up!"
She yelled.

  Y/N woke up instantly and fell off the couch face first, sitting up and massaging her head. She glared at her Mom. I chuckled silently to myself.

"I made you two breakfast and lunch, and while you two were watching Spirited Away last night I printed out your photos and put them in an envelope for you to give to Mrs Okami."
She explained.

Y/N and I said in unison, Y/N being more grumpier than me.

Definitely not a morning person.
I thought to myself.

   I got off the couch and folded the blankets while Y/N ran upstairs to take a shower and get ready for school. It was still pretty early, about five thirty am or something. I grabbed my uniform and walked into the bathroom to change.

  I walked out of the bathroom wearing my uniform with my hair straightened. Y/N's mom let me borrow her husband's clothes for me to sleep in. I walked into the kitchen where pancakes were on the counter waiting for Y/N and I.

"Thank you Mrs (L/N)."

"Not a problem! And please, call me Jennifer,"

    I continued eating my breakfast until Y/N ran down the stairs, throwing her wet hair into a ponytail and rushing to eat.

"Hurry up you two I don't want you guys to be late."
Jennifer said to us.

  I finished my pancake and tried to take my plate to the sink but Jennifer stopped me and washed it for me. I thanked her and grabbed my stuff, ready to walk out the door. Y/N finished her breakfast quickly and grabbed her stuff. Jennifer handed us our lunches and we thanked her.
We said our goodbyes and left.

"Grian and Y/N, can you please present your photos?"
Mrs Okami asked us.
Y/N and I stood up with the envelope in my hands. We walked up to the projector and put the photos up.

"I have a Japanese cherry blossom outfit so I wore it underneath my cherry blossom tree in my backyard."
Y/N told the class.
I put the next photo up.

"Here we had a tea party."
I stated.

We continued putting the photos up until there were no more. We gave Mrs. Okami the envelope full of photos and went to our seats.

"Wait, there's one more photo in here."
Mrs Okami told us.

"I'll put it up for you two."

"Wait no-"
But it was too late. Everyone in the class saw the picture of Y/N and I sleeping on the couch, they all said "Awwwww," Y/N's face was bright red, mine was probably too.

"I'm going to kill my mom..."
Y/N whispered.

  If I wasn't so embarrassed right now, I would be laughing. Mrs. Okami let it slide when we explained that Y/N's Mom snuck that in there. Mrs. Okami went on with the lesson after everyone shared their photos.

                                                            Your POV

I turned on my phone and opened up Instacrab, I had quite a few notifications. Three new follow requests, seventeen likes, five comments, and one tag. I sorted it all out until I got to the tag from my Mom's Instacrab. There was the photo of Grian and I, sleeping. I hit my head on my desk multiple times, receiving looks from people.

"Y/N, you okay?"
Mrs. Okami asked me with a concerned look on her face.
I put my hand to my head, holding my head so I wouldn't fall over.

"Can I go get ice please?"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! This is fully rewritten because I didn't like the original version ^.^    
<.< >.< <.<
I have no life

  I guess this chapter was okay.....I look at Apparitions of One and then at this story and just shake my head. 

~Lila W.

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