BS: Wedding

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That all too familiar music played. The music every girl wants to hear on a special day, their special day. And here I am. Elizabeth is wearing a white, strapless dress. She holds a basket in her hands, throwing out white rose petals onto the dark red carpet. Beside her was Grian's nephew, being our ring barrier. He wore a black tux with a red rose. Everyone around me was smiling brightly at me. They whispered hushed words to each other. I could only make out a little bit, but everyone was dressed amazing. But their eyes were on me. I wore a white dress with frills and sequins. This dress showed no cleavage, I wanted to look classy on my wedding day. That sounds so weird to say. I want to cry but I know I'll ruin my make up. I saw my girls, wearing their maroon colored dress, their hair curled. Elizabeth was my flower girl and my Maid of Honor, weird right? Well I don't know a lot of people. My bridesmaids were Yuki, Kate~Chan, Lil~Chan, and Freya. On the other side there was Grian, his sandy blonde hair combed back. He wore a black tux with a white rose. The boys beside him were Sam, Taurtis, and J. Sam was his best man but also a part of his groom, again, we don't know a lot of people. I finally reached the steps. Moments before Elizabeth and Grian's nephew seated themselves in the front row beside Grian's parents and sister.
I was almost too scared to walk up those two tiny steps. Just six steps to stand in front of Grian, my soon to be husband. This day was already perfect enough as it was, I wouldn't get my father daughter dance. And my Mom didn't get to do my hair and make up like she always wanted but at least they're watching from above, smiling down at me.

"You may now kiss the bride,"
The priest said to Grian.

Grian pulled me close and kissed me, passionately and sweet. We pulled away shortly after the loud clapping throughout the church rang. Grian picked me up bridal style and ran out with everyone clapping. I laughed happily. When we were out of the Church, a limousine was waiting for us. It'd be taking us to a hotel where we would be having a party to celebrate our marriage. Afterwards we're going to the airport where Grian has a surprise for me. I have no idea where we're going. I stepped into the limousine and kissed Grian again, crying and allowing my mascara to get ruined. No photos were being taken right now so it was okay.

I said to him.

He repeated.

I hugged him instead of kissing him, I could hear him trying not to cry.

"I love you."
He whispered.

"I love you too,"

"Wait! Y/N!"
Someone called out to me. I turned around and greeted Elizabeth.


I had changed out of my wedding dress and was now wearing a simple midnight blue short dress with sequins, representing the night sky. Something Grian and I like looking at together.

"You need to throw your flowers to the girls so someone can get married!"
Elizabeth told me, happily.

"Oh that's right!"

I ran up on a stage and all the girls crowded around me. I turned around and threw it, quickly turning again to watch them struggle to fight over it. Lil~Chan caught it and started squealing. I congratulated her and walked away, smiling.


I heard Grian's voice and smiled.


"Watch the show."
I was confused by that until I saw what he meant. Lil~Chan walked up to J and showed him the bouquet of beautiful flowers. He smiled and took out a small black box and got on one knee, opening the box and revealing a gorgeous diamond or, diamonds, ring.

"Will you marry me?"


J slipped the ring on Lil~Chan's finger and they kissed. I smiled happily at them. I turned to look at Grian who was putting away a video camera.

"I'll show them later."
He told me, smiling. I nodded in agreement, don't ruin the excitement. Grian looked at his watch and smiled cheerfully at me.

"It's time to go."
He told me. I smiled beamingly at him.

We started walking outside where everyone crowded around us, waving goodbye to us. I waved at them. Grian quickly told J something and J nodded in agreement with whatever Grian had said. Grian and I walked to our presidential white limousine with our hands held together.

Grian shut the door and kissed me inside. This felt nice.
The limousine had two normal brown leather seats in the back with two couch like leather seats on both sides of the limousine. Grian and I seated ourselves on the chairs and found champagne glasses and champagne. The driver started playing quiet and relaxing music as he started the limousine.

"Did you already tell him where to take us?"
I asked Grian. He nodded and smiled at me.

"I couldn't ruin the surprise, now could I?"

I had no idea if we were taking a plane, train, cruise, or car. Grian wanted it all to be a surprise.
I rested my head on Grian's shoulder. He gently brushed my hair with his hand.

"A hint please?" I asked in a cute little voice.

He replied sternly. I pouted.

"You're no fun,"
I replied teasingly.

"And that's why you love me,"

Hai! Ugh this chapter took almost an hour to write. But it was still really fun to make. And if you're curious what a presidential limousine is, it's like the more expensive and nicer limousine than the original ones you see in movies and stuff. My step mom surprised my brother and I with one when we went to Las Vegas on vacation so yeah, if renting a limousine, get the presidential. Trust me. Well hope you enjoyed! You guys are finally married! Wow two chapters in one day I am doing good. I updated "His Warrior." too xd
So the next Bonus Chapter will be your honey moon. NO LEMONS SCREW THAT BAD CHILDREN YOU SHOULDN'T BE READING THOSE. I'm only writing a few more Bonus Chapters so this story will FINALLY come to an end. Thank Gord. KATE~CHAN YOU SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE FANARTS FOR THIS CHAPTER. SAME GOES FOR ALL OF YOU. I wanna see how you imagined your dress! I'll try and find a photo closest to it and post it in the next Bonus Chapter.

Well I love you all so much darlings!

~Lila W.

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