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Some music to listen to above
So I got tagged by @kittykat6676

Okay my sister Katie~Sama says Hi
Moving on

1. Who do you love the most?
(Katie's idea)
I mean if I had to choose between Sam and Namjoon I would choose Sam. Sam is someone I love and deeply care about because he's helped me through so much. But I also see him as a big brother. So depending on how out friendship status is, I'm staying with Sam. Namjoon is like my fangirl crush/bias.

2. What type of Dere are you?
Dandere and Tsundere. I'm somehow both XD

3. Pets?
Three dogs
7 cats (rest in peace Otter, six cats)
1 fish
A whole lot of stuffed animals
Three racoons
A red tailed hawk
And a crow. I'm getting a pigeon and naming it Birdie some time this year.

4. Favorite anime atm?
Hunter X Hunter
I binged all of Yuri on Ice in a day, I SHIP IT SO MUCH!
And Killua is awesome!

5. How can I be a better writer?
Hmm I've been asked this a lot (not on here)
Just be as creative as you can be
I learn all my grammar and vocabulary and big words from reading, A LOT

6. Favorite Wattpad story?
(Idk can't think of anything else)
I personally love the Undercover saga series
Its really ****** (ba)

7. Favorite band?
BTS/Bangtan Boys

8. Nightcore?
Take a hint, Angel with a shotgun, and Angel of Darkness

9. Face reveal?
Why the fudge not?

 Face reveal?Why the fudge not?

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10. What song are you listening to right now?
Everyone should know by now I listen to music when writing
Bullet Proof Part 2 to Danger by BTS
I hate you Chex Mix for getting me addicted to this song in such a small amount of time (two days)

All right that's all! Bai!
~Lila W.

Author from the future

Uhhhhhh like three years into the future 😅

I look like this now

All that's different is longer hair, dyed hair, fried hair, no acne, and puberty 😂

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All that's different is longer hair, dyed hair, fried hair, no acne, and puberty 😂

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