Chapter Twenty Four: Sleepover

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I suggest grabbing your headphones and listen to music while your reading this, you're gonna need it. I'll put some BTS at the top
October 12th, Friday
20 days until Halloween
19 days until The Harvest Dance

~Your POV~

Yuki opened the door for me and pulled me into a hug when she realized it was me.

"Glad you could make it, Chan's already here.
Come on in!" She told me after releasing me from her hug as she gestured me to follow her inside where Chan was in the kitchen drinking some water.

"Hey Chan," I greeted her.

"Hey Y/N," She replied.

I looked at Yuki not really knowing what to say.
Chan stared at her with the same look I had.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Yuki suggested.

~2 hours later~

The girls and I had tears running down our face as we watched the movie.

"They're so cute together, it's just so sad." I said, wiping tears from my eyes.
Yuki was wiping her tears with a tissue and was in the same state I was, but Chan thought differently.
She was stuffing her mouth with popcorn and was laughing that the couple couldn't be together.
When the movie was over, we all walked over to the kitchen where leftover pizza we ordered was still there and some chocolate chip cookies that we baked earlier. I grabbed one of the cookies and ate it immediately like I was starving.
Chan and Yuki stared at me in disbelief.

"What? I was hungry."

Chan walked into the living room and from where we were standing we couldn't see her.

"I'll go get her." I told Yuki before walking into the living room. A pillow immediately slammed into my face and I fell to the ground.

"Pillow fight!" Yuki screamed.
I grabbed a pillow and ran up to Chan who was now battling Yuki. I slammed the pillow in her face and as she fell to the ground in pain. I turned to Yuki and quickly ducked when she threw her pillow at me. I stood up quickly and threw the pillow in her face with her falling down.

"Winner!" I yelled.

~Time Skip~

"So you want all of us to tell our relationship status and then scary stories?" I asked.

"Yep," Yuki replied.
Chan sighed afterwards.


"Y/N you go first, how are you and Grian doing?" Yuki asked me.
I bit my lip from being nervous.

"We've been on a few dates and he's come to my house a few times," I said, almost too quiet to become a mumble.
Yuki and Chan stared at me in disbelief.

"That's great, Y/N!"

"Has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?" Yuki asked.
I bit my lip again.
Shock came from both of them.

"He did?" Yuki exclaimed.

"More importantly, what did you say?" Chan asked.

"I said I wanted to talk to you guys about it first," I replied.

"Girl, just say yes!" Yuki almost yelled.
I flustered a bit and looked at them.

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