I got tagged, again...

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Hey! Im back from my vacation and I was currently reading and I remembered I got tagged
Also me being back from vacation means Grian x Reader will return as soon as I get to my laptop (on my phone rn)
(Author from future: My way of saying I'm too lazy to write the next chapter, I don't write on my laptop in less it's my private stories. RIP Laptop)
So these are the stupidest questions I could come up with
1. How big of a bookworm are you?
Pretty big, I read almost 24/7 if you look at my account and see how fast I go through stories
2. If you were to go to a club with your friends in college, would you be the drunk one or the smart one?
Smart one, I don't feel like getting a hangover
And I would probably freak out worried there's drugs in the drinks because I've been reading an Undercover series for less than a week and already on Book 4
3. If Samgladiator didn't do videos, who would you watch?
4. Favorite thing about Sam
His personality
Been watching him quite awhile, long before Yandere High even started
5. Favorite anime?
Attack on Titan and Black Butler are tied (Tokyo Ghoul)
6. Instagram?
I won't be giving out (Bluestar4872 and Samgladiator_Worshippers)
7. Favorite song atm?
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
8. How was the vacation? (Idk why I decided that, can't think of anything)
I suggest going to Las Vegas...
Family vacation Sunday-Wednesday (Less weirdos)
Party Thursday-Saturday
(More weirdos)
9. Favorite book atm
It changes so much so Imma say the one I'm reading
I'm undercover and I got caught
4th book to the undercover saga series
10. Who is Birdie?
My headless pigeon
Why he's headless is another question...
Bai now!
Love you all my little wolves!
~Lila W.

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