Chapter Twenty Seven: The night before the Harvest Dance

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The night before the Harvest Dance
October 29th, Wednesday night, Your house
One more day until the Harvest Dance
Two more days until Halloween

Your POV

I had convinced my mom to let the girls come over tonight.
It wasn't just Chan and Yuki this time, and definitely no boys.
The entire group was here.

"We didn't get to see you three last time, so you guys have to tell us your relationship status." I said in a teasingly tone, my eyes turning to look at Lil~Chan, Freya, and Kate~Chan.
Freya's eyes darted back and forth.

"I'll go first." She volunteered.
Our attention went to her.

"I've been crushing on J," She announced.
There was a lot of fangirling, squealing, shipping, and yelling afterwards.
Freya's cheeks turned bright red with embarrassment.
Kate~Chan fell over first squealing, then screaming Freya's ship name with J.
Yuki and Chan were screaming

"J is finally not gonna be alone!"
Lil~Chan started fangirling after Kate~Chan thought of the ship name.
I finally joined in about two minutes later.
When we finished fangirling we turned to Lil~Chan.

"Any boys you're crushing on?" I asked her.
Her cheeks flushed red.
The poor girl was absolutely mortified, but that didn't matter when she was with us.

"There's one boy who I met on my way to school today." She told us. Everyone tried to grab the large bowl of popcorn that was in the middle of us.

"Do please tell!" Freya pleaded.
Lil~Chan began describing how he looked at first and how he was such a nice guy. He enjoyed the same music she enjoyed.
He had walked her to school and they exchanged numbers.

"I asked him to join me at the Harvest Dance." She finished.
More fangirling and shipping followed.
-Please stand by, insane fangirls are yelling their heads off not bothered at all that the neighbors are probably blowing their heads off in rage and lighting their pitch forks. Author also asks you don't throw those pitchforks at her, she already saw many when she was alive in the 16th century-
It was finally Kate~Chan's turn.

"There's one boy from my old school I'm still in contact with."
(Because I love you Kate~Chan I'm not gonna give details)
Everyone else described their relationship status, including me. It's pretty obvious how Grian and I are.
With the time that's passed, I've been to Grian's apartment and played video games with him, Sam, and Taurtis.
Taurtis kept challeging us to Street fighter and Sam had forced us to watch a bunch of movies. I go over every Friday and pretty much spend the weekend there.
I did spend this last weekend with them.
You're probably wondering why were having a sleepover on a Wednesday, because we're all awesome with grades.
We were all prepared to go to the Harvest Dance.
Lil~Chan had called her little friend and he agreed to go with her. Same with Kate~Chan.
Freya was going to ask J at lunch tomorrow.
Chan was obviously going with Taurtis, same with Yuki and I. Except with our boyfriends.
Time passed with conversations. We ignored the angry neighbors, who continuously pounded on our front door.
Grian sent me a few messages, to make sure we were all safe since my mom was out of town.
I was enjoying my life, and I had completely forgotten about the shadow.
Until now...

Sorry late, it's a bit longer.
Really excited to show you my new story.
Don't forget to leave your Q and A questions!
Its currently 2:35 am so I'm going to go back to binge watching through all of Sam's videos
*Months later*
I feel like binge watching all of Samgladiator's videos again
Sam: Have you really watched all 700 videos?
Me: B^)
~Lila W.

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