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Stampys POV

I had just woke up and I was quite hungry so I was gonna go and make me and Squid some breakfast I really wanted some beacon so I looked in the fridge but there was no bacon so I got dressed and went to Tesco to buy some bacon.

Sqaisheys POV

I was doing my daily shopping at Tesco and typically being the clumsy duckie I am I slipped on the wet floor but this handsome curly haired man caught me before I hit the ground I blushed and thanked him then suddenly I realized he was stampylongnose!

Stampy POV

I saw this woman slip and I quickly ran to stop her from hitting the ground she was the most stunning woman I had ever seen she Thanked me then she said " A-are y you stampylongnose" I said yes and her eyes lit up she looked even more beautiful now " I'm sorry I'm Sqaishey and I am really big fan can I have your autograph please?" She screeched excitedly I of course said yes and gave her the autograph. She then thanked me and walked off but I ran after her and stopped her and asked her " Sqaishey can I have your number so we can play Minecraft together?"

Sqaisheys POV

I nodded excitedly and took out my phone and we added each other then we went our separate ways waw he is so dreamy I think I have a tiny bit of a crush on him I am blushing ALOT now. I drove home and Called Stampy.

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