An Embarrassing Squid Nugget

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up to Stampy playing with my hair I looked up at him as he smiled warmly at me I realized just how cute he was at that moment. I giggled at his curls sticking up in every direction "What?" he asked confused "Your curls are everywhere!" I chuckled he laughed "Come on Cutesie we are getting up I smell bacon!" he exclaimed Cutesie? What? "Cutesie?" I questioned "Your new nickname" he said booping my nose I booped him back "BOOP!" I yelled into his face he looked a little scared at first but then he laughed and got out of bed he held out his hand for me to get up but instead I pulled him back down "But Love, I want bacon!" "You haven't given me my good morning kiss!" I exclaimed pouting and crossing my arms "Im so sorry how could I forget!" he said and crashed his lips against mine with passion love and care. This carried on for a while

~SpongeBob Voice~

*15 Minutes Later*

We pulled away breathless and panting. We laughed and got up for REALZ! Stampy with his arm around my waist like usual he's so loving. we went downstairs to see our fry sitting at our place of the table. We rushed over and began chomping down I didn't realise just how hungry I am!

*time skip to after eatingness*

I took my plate over to the sink and plonked it on the sink I noticed there was a note on the fridge I picked it up

Stampy & Sqaishey

We are going to meet with Nicole and My Parents for a day out we will be back at around 6:00. Have fun you love birds! But not to much fun ;)

Squid & Nicole

"Stampy!" I shouted he came in "Yes Love?" "Squid and Nicole are out with their Parents" "Ok Hun" he kissed my cheek sweetly "What you wanna do today?" he asked "I don't know Babe What do you think?" "Well I think my parents are starting to get mad at me for not coming to see them so why don't we invite your parents and my parents over for dinner?" "Sounds good Hun I'll call my parents you call yours" "Okay Babe" he kissed my cheek and left the room I picked up my phone and dialled Mum

Sq- Hey Mum!

M- Hello Sweetie your on speaker your fathers here aswell!

D- Hey Beth

Sq- Perfect so me and Joe

D- *Sigh*

Sq- SHUT UP! Anyways me and Joe wanted to invite you and his parents over for din dins are you two free tonight?

M- Oh Wonderful Darling we will be there

Sq- be here at 5

D- Okay Beth

Sq- And Dad

D- What


D- No Promises

*i hang up*

I sighed and did the dishes Stampy walked into the room "Hey Hun are they coming over?" "Yeah are your parents?" "Ya Huh" he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek "Stampy Stop!" I exclaimed turning around Stampy removed his arms from my waist and began backing away "W-What?" Stampy said frightened "I have had enough!" I said angrily "Enough? Enough of what L-Love?" "Tiny Kisses" I said putting my arms around his neck he relaxed his tense body and gently placed his arms back around my waist I giggled. He leaned in and kissed me gently but passionately I gladly accepted it and kissed back when we pulled away I smiled at him "You scared me Sqaish" "I'm sorry Stamps I didn't think you would take it so seriously." he pulled me into another deep kiss. We broke apart 10 minutes later, gasping for air. "I love you so much" he told me sweetly "I love you too" I gave him a short, gentle kiss and returned to doing the dishes I hummed happily to Jungle whilst scrubbing the dishes with fairy liquid and a scrubby brush. "Sqaish I'm going to go record Lovely World see you later Duckie!" "Ok Kitty Cake!" he walked out of the kitchen and up stairs to his office.

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