Stampy? Where are you?

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up expecting to be cuddled in Stampys arms but he wasn't there I jumped out of bed and instinctively knocked the bathroom door "KittyCake are you in there?" No reply "Stamps if you don't reply I'm going to come in there and I take no responsibility for walking in on you pooing or something" no reply I opened the door to an empty bathroom panic started to fill my body and I began to tense up "Come on Sqaish! Stay calm he's probably recording or having breakfast we didn't eat anything last night so maybe he's hungry" I whispered to myself and relaxed a little but when I entered the kitchen it was only Squid and Nicole there and this is Monday! So that means he isn't recording because he records with Squid on Mondays! "Morning Sqaishey why do you look so worried?" Nicole asked "I-it's Stampy he wasn't there when I woke up and he wasn't in the bathroom and it's Monday so he's not recording because Squid is here!" Their faces went pale and their eyes widened with worry I collapsed,shaking head to toe my breathes became shorter but quicker paced that's when I realised I'm about to have a panic attack! Squid and Nicole rushed to my side as they realised what was happening they quickly calmed me down telling me he probably went out to get some cereal because we are out of coco pops I relaxed a little "Sqaishey lets go to tesco he's probably there!" Squid told me I sprinted to Squids car them following quickly behind me "STAMPYS CAR IS STILL HERE!!" I screamed there eyes widened even more "Umm.. Uh..... He probably walked to tesco?" Squid said I dont know whether he was trying to reassure me or himself probably himself Stampy is his best friend. We hopped into the car and drove to tesco.

We sprinted inside and I immediately began screaming his name "STAMPY!!!! STAMPY!!!!!!" "STAMPS!!" Squid screamed after me "STAMPYYYYY!!!!" We all screamed together running around Tesco we shouted his name repetitively people probably thought we were crazy but we didn't care I just want my KittyCake! "KITTY CAKE!" I screamed a member of staff came over "Stop that noise! You are disturbing the Customers!" "WHAT DID YOU JUST---" I was about to attack him when Squid and Nicole dragged me back "We're sorry we woke up this morning and her boyfriend wasn't beside her and we've been searching for him everywhere and we can't find him and he's my best mate" I broke down crying "Sqaishey it's ok we're gonna find him" Squid tried to reassure me "And what if we don't?! He's my everything Squid I can't live without him I'm nothing without him!" "And that's why we will find him Duckie just stay strong for Stampy!" Nicole told me "Your right Nicky let's find my man!" I started running to the car Squid and Nicole either side of me then I halted as I realised we didn't even try calling him! They stopped and looked at me confused "WE DIDNT EVEN CALL HIM!" I exclaimed we burst out laughing and I quickly brought out my phone and pressed his name on my contact list 'My Everything' boop boop boop boop "Welcome to the O2 messaging service the person you are calling is unable to take your call please leave a message after the tone to re record your message key hash at any time 'BOOP'" I hung up and began crying again as I ran to the car I hopped into the backseat so Squid and Nicole could sit together I sobbed loudly in the back Squid and Nicole were doing the same we arrived at the house and I ran into mine and Stampys room and cried uncontrollably meaning my makeup was ruined.

Time Skip

I was still crying when Squid called me downstairs " Sqaishey can you come here for a second" I got really excited and ran down the stairs "STAMPY STAMPY YOUR HO---- Oh..." The Mac My Mum Dad Stampys Mum and Dad and Squid and Nicole's parents were there staring at me I broke down again slumping my back against the wall and put my head in my hands I didn't care if I looked like a mess my hair was all over the place and my makeup stained my face "Duck have you eaten anything today?" Squid questioned I shook my head "SQAISHEY! You need to eat" Nicole told me "There's no point! Stampy Is gone and it's my fault!" "How is it your fault!?!?!" Squid and Nicole exclaimed "WE SLEEP IN THE SAME BED HOW DID I NOT NOTICE HIS ARMS LEAVING MY BODY?!?!? Sorry I shouted at you guys I'm just uh... I can't even speak" "It's ok Sqaishey if I lost Nugget I would react just the same as you are right now" "Aww Nicole" Squid kissed her and Nicole pulled away "Squid now is not the time we need to find stamps!" Squid nodded

"Quackers come on you need to stay strong. For Stampy" Amy told me comfortingly "But what if he left on purpose?!?!? I've got so many people hunting me down he probably got sick of me" "Sqaishey! Don't be ridiculous! Stampy loves you I've never seen him happier than when he's with you and I've known the man for 3years! Stamps would never walk out on you someone's most likely taken him!" Squid told I sighed "Your right Squid but why are our parents here?" I said getting off the ground "We need all the help we can get to find him!" Nicole exclaimed "IM GETTING MY MAN BACK!!" I swung the front door open and ran out into the streets "STAMPY!!!!" I screamed running down the street "Beth!" I heard my dad shout behind me I turned to him "What?" He ran over to me "Do you really think he'll be here I mean he could be in Australia for all we know" "He's going to be around here!he has to be." My voice getting lower towards the end of the sentence "Beth there is no point looking he's not worth it!" My dad exclaimed rage filled my body Squid turned "Hey that's my best mate your talking about don't listen to him Sqaish he's not worth it" I nodded and Squid grabbed my arm pulling me and Nicole to run with him checking around every corner every dark alleyway,behind every shop we even checked in the bars! Hey you never know Stampy could be a secret alcoholic!

The whole MAC were running beside us! Hey, it's a big pathway! Our parents following closely behind us they were here incase someone needs to call the Police soon we found ourselves at a very narrow pitch black alleyway everyone cautiously made their way in but I barged through them all "STAMPY!!" I screamed "Sqaishey" I heard a very quiet whisper from the other end of the alley way "Run Sqaishey it's not safe I'm not worth putting your life in danger" I heard another whisper "Stampy I'm not leaving here without you.." I whispered back a girl with long black hair stepped out from around the corner "Well Well Well if it isn't little miss Beth? The Angel of YouTube" "Squid turn on the torch on your phone" I whispered to him "DONT HURT HER" Stampy scream whispered squid turned on the torch and there we saw... Melanie "Melanie Candy?!?!?!" Melanie cackled "LET HIM GO!!" I screamed at her she laughed "Oh Beth poor sweet Beth!" "SQAISHEY LEAVE NOW SHE HAS BACK U--" "QUIET YOU" Melanie whacked him knocking him out I tried not to cry but a tear escaped my eye "Oh is the little girl sad I hurt her boyfriend?" she said getting right up into my face "BACK OFF!" I hissed "Oh I'm so Scared!" I punched her square in the nose "That's it! ZACK!" Zack strolled out of the corner "Nice to see you Bethany" He chuckled I glared at him "Damn you look even Sexier than last time I saw you" "OI THATS MY BEST MATES GIRL YOUR HITTIN' ON! ONLY STAMPS IS ALLOWED TO CALL HER SEXY!" Squid screamed stepping forward I gently pushed him back "I can fight my own battles Squid just give me a minute if I say help then you can" squid nodded "You look just how I remember pathetic, desperate ,cold and you've still got those eyes that look like snakes." "Such big words for such a small girl" then I began thinking of my fight song "GIVE ME BACK MY MAN!!" I screamed at him "Bethy come on I'm your man and always have been just accept it and we can head back to my dorm and fuck" I shuddered he called me the nickname he had given me "JOE IS THE ONLY GUY FOR ME!!" "Beth I suggest you date me or I will kill you and your pathetic thing you call a boyfriend" "STAMPY IS NOT PATHETIC HES MORE OF A MAN THAN YOU'LL EVER BE ZACTOTARY" "YOU LITTLE BITCH DONT YOU EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN!!" "Zactotary you have a weakness that I don't let Joe go and I won't have to use it against you" "Ahaha don't make me laugh your weak don't even try to threaten me Beth your just embarrassing yourself I work out you don't" I ran forward kicking him in the balls he fell over in pain as I ran over to Stampy I cried at the state of him "BETH!!!!!!!!!" I heard from behind me I turned to see Zack running at me with a butchers knife I screamed.



Yeah I'm not dead......
Just writers block.........
Sorry for the wait............
It's been over a week since the last proper update.........
I promise I didn't forget it's the only thing on my mind.......


.......No Promises Though.......

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