You Saved Me

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Stampys POV

"Squid drive faster he's going to rape her I shouted as I muted myself from the phone call but I could still hear her

*Sound from phone*

"This is for dating HIM"

Sqaishey screamed


Sqaishey screamed louder

"Now I have a little surprise for you"

"Zack please please don't you you can't shoot"

"That's for after I fuck you"

"I don't want to cheat"

"Oh Beth you know you want me"

"I don't that's disgusting!"

"How dare you choose him over me!?"

"I will never choose you not in a million years"

Sqaisheys POV

(But Stampy can still hear them btw)

He picked up his whip and whipped my back again OUCH I screeched and started to sob "shhh baby it's okay we're gonna have an awful lot of fun tonight" I sobbed louder disgusted by his words as he continued whipping and insulting me "BITCH" "SLUT' "WIMP" "UGLY" "FAGGOT" & "CHEATER"


"Oh your gonna get it now!"

Zack ripped off my shirt and through it aside he then got on top of me and started to kiss me "STOP KISSING ME" "Open up your mouth babe I wanna get my tongue in there" "No" I said quickly so he couldn't put it in

Stampys POV

"Squid he's ripped her shirt off faster!"

"Relax Mate we're here" Squid exclaimed I darted out of the car and to the boot I got the gun and they got the bats I ran up to the warehouse and broke down the door I heard screams and Sqaishey balling her eyes out I followed the sound and found the door to where she was I broke down the door with Squid and Nicole behind me "LET GO OF HER!" I screamed and pointed the gun at Zack turned around "Ha ha look who it is Beth it's your beloved 'boyfriend' bet that thing isn't even loaded take one step closer and I shoot her" Zack said pointing a gun at Sqaishey "Don't touch her!" I replied fiercely "Tell you what Joseph you can watch me fuck her" "I won't let you" and at that I shot him in the arm he dropped the gun and dropped to the floor I ran to Sqaishey and untied her while Squid and Nicole made sure Zack stayed on the ground she was only in Pants and a bra I kissed her deeply "We have to get out of here" I pulled her off the chair and she cried out in pain and started falling I quickly stopped her and lifted her I carried her out bridal style and sat beside her in the backseat of the car Squid and Nicole Quickly following after us they hopped in the front seat and we drove home I carried her inside and placed her on the bed

"Sqaishey what did he do to you?"

"H-h-he had a whip and whipping bat bam side ow ow"

"Sqaishey I know you have been through a lot today but your gonna have to explain more clearly"

"He whipped me a-a lot and it had silver tip and then he got a bat and bashed it into my ribs and I think they're broken and he made out with me Stampy I'm so sorry I couldn't stop him I didn't mean to cheat!"

"Sqaishey it's ok I know you couldn't do anything you were tied up I heard most things through the phone because you must have pocket dialled me I'm sorry but I am going to have to feel your ribs to see if they are broken and it will hurt just try to trust me"

"Ok I trust you completely"

I touched her side and she winced in pain I felt it more and she tried to hold back tears "Yea it's definitely broken Sqaish can I see where he whipped you she nodded and turned over so I could see her back my eyes widened she and deep cuts "Sqaishey I'm going to have to treat your wounds before they get infected it will hurt but it won't hurt as bad as it will if they get infected" "I love you" she replied in a whisper " I love you too I'm going to go get the first aid kit you stay here" I went into the bathroom which was connected to our room and grabbed the first aid kit I quickly came back "Now Sqaishey it's okay to cry I won't judge you this is going to hurt so I will try and do it as fast as possible" I started dabbing the stuff on each cut as she cried out in pain it broke my heart knowing I was hurting her but I knew it was for the greater good I dabbed it on all the cuts and put plasters on them "Thank you Stampy" "No need to thank me But we will have to go to the hospital but because you have had such a tough day I will take you tommorow." "How did you find me?" " Squid knows how to track phone numbers" "Oh"  "Sqaishey how did he get you" " I was sitting on the bench outside and then he started walking over to me at first I didn't realise who he was and thought nothing of it but then I looked back and realised it was him I gasped and he started running to me I tried to scream but my vocal chords failed me and he grabbed me then I kicked at him and stuff and tried to get out of his grasp but he was to strong I eventually tired myself out and became weaker he put me in his car and took me to the warehouse he always took me to to abuse me when we were dating." "I'm so sorry Sqaishey I should have come out with you and it's all my fault your like this" "No it's not Stampy it was my choice to go outside and you saved me. Um I have suddenly realised how awkward this is I'm in a bra and pants sitting on the bed talking to you" she giggled " Ha ha ha haaaaaa I didn't even realise before you pointed it out are you able to put your pyjamas on yourself?" "Um I think I will need help with my top but I'm ok with pj bottoms I can let you help me put my top on then slip my bra off under the shirt" " what ever your comfortable with" I helped Sqaishey put her top on then left the room when she put her bottoms on we then went to sleep it has been a looonnnnggggg day.

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