Its time to PARTYYY

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LONNNNNGGGGG chapter again! 3709 words! This Chappie took me like 4 days to write so I really hope you like it 😄
Don't play song until I tell you too!

Stampys POV

I was packing Sqaisheys stuff to go home because her stitches were to still sore the doctors said she will be sore for a while but they used some glue stuff to put her bones back together (don't ask me how I'm making this up)

Sq- Thank you Stampy

St- For what?

Sq- Everything

St- No need to thank me its my pleasure

Sq- Stampy there's so many other girls out there why did you pick me?

St- Your special you bring brightness to my day when there's only darkness

Sq- Aww Stamps your so cheesy!

St- Like Ash?

Sq- *laughs* your so funny Stamps

St- Right we are ready to check out I will call Squid to come pick us up

Sq- Yay! *Throws arms in air*

St- Ha ha haaa (y'know the way he laughs)

I picked up my phone to call Squid

🐙- Hey Stamps

🐱- Hi Squid

🐙- So what'dya want

🐱- Can you come pick me and Sqaishey up

🐙- Sure be right there!

🐱-Thank you Squid Nugget

🐙- Bye

*hangs up*

St- Squids on his way

Sq- Yay I'm getting out of this uncomfortable bed

St- How about we throw a massive party tonight with the Mac and our friends and Family?

Sq- That would be amazing

St- Okay I will book the town hall it has a stage and everything!

Sq- Ok *starts writing in note pad thing*

St- What are you writing

Sq- Just some song lyrics and chords it's so almost done I just need a bit more time

St- Whatever it is I'm sure it's gonna be amazing!

Sq- Your so sweet

Squid and Nicole came

N- Hi Duckie how are you feeling today

Sq- A little sore but nothing some paracetamol can't sort out!

N- That's good now let's get outta here

Sq- YEAH!!!

St- Sqaish calm down your gonna hurt yourself

Sq- It's fine Stamps you worry yourself to much LETS GO

I helped her out of bed and we walked to the car me carrying her bag for obvious reasons we got into the car and drove home

Sqaisheys POV

When we arrived home I asked Squid and Nicole to help me with my song when Stampy was recording and we went upstairs to my office because it is sound proofed.

S- Okay Sqaish sing me the first part

Sq-   (New Romantics By Taylor Swift)

We're all bored we're also tired of everything thing
We wait for trains that just aren't coming
We show off
Our different Scarlet Letters
Trust me mine is better

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