Un-Wanted Visitor

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up to a knock at the door I quickly slid out of bed trying not to wake Stampy up I hopped Down stairs and opened the door surprisingly my so called "friend" from high school was there. Trisha the Tramp.

T- Trisha Sq- Sqaishey

T- Beth how are you

Sq- I'm good but can I ask how did you find where I live

T- In one of your Facebook photos of you and some curly haired guy I seen your address in the background

Sq- Ok..... Not Creepy at all anyways I'm gonna go get dressed you just sit and wait in the living room OK?

T- Ok Beth

I went upstairs to warn Stampy,Squid,Nicole and Amy I went to Squid and Nicole first

S- Squid Sq- Sqaishey N- Nicole

Sq- Hi guys sorry to wake you up but my so called "Friend" from high school has just appeared out of the blue so if you guys could um not call each other by our nicknames that would be great

S- No problem Sqaish

N- Yeah no Trouble

Sq- Thanks soo much oh and btw she tends to try and hook up with people's boyfriends so just tell her to fuck off if she comes on to you K

S- (sounds unsure) ummm ok

N- Thanks for the warning

I then headed to Amy's room to give her a heads up about Trisha

A- Amy S- Sqaishey

S- Hey Amy can I ask you a big big big big favor?

A- Of course you can Lil Duckie

S- Okay so my so called friend has shown up out of the blue so if we all could call each other by our real names that would be fab

A- Anything for my Duckie

S- Oh and one more thing she often tries to hook up with people's boyfriends so if you catch her trying to chat up Stampy or Squid just call me and I will kick her little but outta here

A- No Probs Sqaishey

I hopped over to tell Stampy about her

St- Stampy S- Sqaishey

S- Good Morning Prince Cat

St- Good morning my Princess

S- My so called friend from high school snooped about my Facebook page and somehow found our address so if we could call each other by our real names that would help me out a lot

St- Anything for you my love

S- Also she is known for trying to hook up with people's boyfriends so if she try's anything just give me a shout and I'll kick the shit outta her

St- No Problem Hunnie lets get dressed

S- Ok Love

We got dressed together and headed downstairs

S- Sqaishey St- Stampy T- Trisha

S- Trisha this is my Boyfriend Joe

T- So nice to meet you (she looks at him seductively)

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