Ash & Amy Leave?

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up in Stampys arms and watched him until he woke up I couldn't help it! He's so cute when he sleeps

St- Good Morning Sqaishey

Sq- Good Morning Stampy

We went downstairs and made some tea and then Squid came downstairs he said

S- Sqaishey your going viral!

Sq- Squid what are you talking about?

S- Someone recorded you sing and put it up on YouTube

Sq- Oh My God!

S- Oh look they got you and Stamps kissing as well

St&Sq- WHAT?!?

S- People have made music videos on your song already!

Sq- Squid Hold up! They recorded us kissing?!

S- Yeah!

St- What if the fans see it

Sq- Oh dear

St- if they say anything just ignore it it will hopefully blow over

Sq- Yeah I guess

I got a call from my Mum

M- Hi Beth how have you been

Sq- I'm great Mum how are you?

M- I'm ok would you and Joe like to come up today I would love to see you

Sq- That sounds great Mum we will be up soon

M- Bye Hun

Sq- Bye

I told Stampy

Sq- Stamps would you like to come and see my Mum

St- Sure

We got in the car and drove to Mums

We knocked on the door and she answered

M- How have you two been?

Sq- We are doing great

St- Yeah

We sat on the sofa

M- So what have you two been up to

Sq- Well we have just been chilling at the house and stuff but last night we went out to a disco.

M- Did you enjoy yourselves

St- I had a brilliant time it was so much fun

My mums phone dinged

M- Oh someone has sent me a video!

Me and Stampy looked at eachother nervously both of us knowing well what it was

She played the video

S- Now I am aware you are going to sing your new song for us Beth

Sq- Yea I am!

My mums eyes grew wide

S- is there anything you would like us to call you?

Sq- Well my Friends call me Sqaishey but just call me whatever you want

S- Is this song for anyone imparticular

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