Wake Up

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Sqaisheys POV

It's been weeks and Stampy still hasn't woken up everyone else is starting to lose hope but not me after all it's only been 3weeks 5 days 6hours 43minutes and 56seconds I haven't left his side doctors keep telling me to go home but I refuse Squid and Nicole bring me food and drink. A man walked into the room "hey gorgeous " "Are you talking to me? I think your in the wrong room mate" "No I'm not baby I'm right where I want to be" "Well I don't want you here please leave!" "Awk don't be like that babe " "Don't call me babe I don't even like you as a friend" "Come on back to my apartment you never know when this guy is gonna wake up so you might as well make the most of it I'll use a condom" "I said no I don't cheat Joe is my one and only and you can't change that now get out!" He grabbed my shirt and tried to pull it off of me I grabbed his wrist and looked him straight in the eye "I BROKE A MANS ARM LAST TIME SOMEONE TRIED TO DO THAT!!!" He tried to continue pulling off my shirt but I slapped him across the face and stood up I twisted his arm round until I heard a snap and he whimpered "Good thing we're in the hospital isn't it? " I let go of his arm and he ran off.I decided to sing Stampy the song I wrote I pulled my chair to the end of his bed and grabbed my guitar.

(I changed the lyrics a bit to fit the story)

I began strumming the chords

"I remember what I wore on our first date" I began "I remember how you felt against my face I remember all the songs we used to hate" "I remember we were sleepless in New York" I flicked my hair back "I remember how my avenues were yours I remember when they weren't anymore" I changed the tone a bit

"No more rain or shine, well I guess this is goodbye" I changed the tone again "I, I made a top ten list of all the things I miss your loving eyes and lips, they're gonna make it" "and when I'm cold at night I know that I'll survive until you wake up, I'm gonna fake it"

"Breathe in Breathe Out"

"Breathe in Breathe Out"

"Breathe in Breathe Out"


"Breathe in Breathe Out"

"Breathe in Breathe Out"

"Breathe in Breathe Out"

"I remember when we had too much to dream," "I was hangin' on your words like I'm sixteen" "I remember being high on your caffeine"

"I remember when we fell too deep to feel" "I remember when the real became too real" "I remember when it hurt too much to heal" I changed the tone "No more rain or shine, Well I guess this is goodbye I" I changed the tone again "I made a top ten list, of all the things I miss your loving eyes and lips they're gonna make it"

"And when I'm cold at night I know that I'll survive until you wake up, I'm gonna fake it"

Breathe in Breathe Out"

"Breathe in Breathe Out"

"Breathe in Breathe Out"


"Breathe in Breathe Out"

"Breathe in Breathe Out"

"Breathe in Breathe Out"

"X marks the spot where we left our hearts in, X marks ten spot where we fell apart in, X marks the spot where we left our hearts in"

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