Police Station

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Stampys POV

"SQAISHEY! SQAISHEY WHATS HAPPENING ARE YOU OK SQAISHEY!!!" I cried into the phone as I heard my girlfriends screams. "SQUID FASTER!" I screamed at Squid immediately feeling bad as none of this is his fault and he's as terrified as I am. "Squid I'm sorry, I--" "It's ok Stamps your stressed I get it." I put the phone on speaker and we heard the men speaking. "What will we do with them?" "Chuck em in that wardrobe" I heard a bang meaning they probably threw Sqaishey into the wardrobe. WAIT THEY THREW MY GIRLFRIEND! I screamed at my phone "DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!" "Stamps, they can't hear you mate" I sighed putting my head in my hands.

Why does everything happen to her?

Tears streamed down my face like a waterfall. "Stamps we are here." Squid said calmly. I don't know how he is keeping his cool right now. That's a man I can look up to. A real man unlike me. we pulled into the drive just as a black van pulled out and speedily left. Me and Squid jumped out of his car and sprinted inside and up the stairs to mine and Sqaisheys room. I opened the door and looked scaredly at the wardrobe me and Squid looked at each other he had terror in his eyes either our girlfriends are either dead or knocked out and we are about to find out. Me and Squid nodded at each other and both opened one side of the wardrobe each.

We opened it to reveal.......

lol you thought I was gonna leave it there. I'm mean but I'm not THAT mean it's only been 280 words.

Nicoles white face. WHERES SQAISHEY?!?! Squid lifted Nicole and squeezed her tight. I looked back in the wardrobe and there she was, she looked lifeless I picked up her limp body and placed it onto our bed. I sat by her and cried as Squid placed Nicole beside her and broke down. I shakily checked Sqaisheys pulse


Except for her heart beat. (I'm such a troll xD)SQUID SHES ALIVE!" Squid quickly checked Nicole's pulse and his eyes lit up "GET A WET CLOTH!" I yelled Squid obeyed and ran downstairs to get two wet cloths. He handed me the cloth and I placed it on Sqaisheys head I noticed some colour coming back to her cheeks.

Her eyes fluttered open and I kissed her relieved that she is awake. When we pulled away Sqaishey giggled and I noticed Squid and Nicole kissing as well. "Come on we are going to the Police Station." Squid announced and we all headed to the car.

*Time Skip*

Sqaisheys POV

We all sat in the police station waiting to be questioned. I nervously tapped my fingers on the desk infront of me Stampy took my hand and rubbed it between his as comfort he kissed my forehead and I rested my head on his shoulder. Then the police people (very technical term) came in and sat opposite us "So umm Joseph Garret, David Spencer,Nicole Blander, and Bethany Bates is that correct?" we nodded "So let's get the basics out of the way are any of you romantically involved with each other?" "Me and Beth are together" Stampy informed "And me and Nicole are together" Squid also informed "Any past romance within the four of you?" we all shook our heads. "Excuse me officer I'm sorry if I sound rude but why is this necessary?" Nicole questioned "I honestly don't know it's what my boss told me to do Miss Blander." Nicole nodded. "What age are you?" "19" (in the book IK she's 20) I said "26" Stampy said "24" Squid told her "and I'm 22" (making it up I have no idea) she wrote it down on her note pad thingy "So tell me Beth how did this break in happen?"

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