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Sqaisheys POV

'BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP' Was what me and Stampy woke up to. The lovely sound of an air horn reminding me that we are in the MAC Mansion! "AAAHHHH!" I heard Stampys girly scream Me and the rest of the mac burst out laughing as Stampy pretended to huff "Come on Stamps! That was funny!" I said giggling "No! Get me a cake or i'm gonna explode!" He whined in a childish voice.

"Okay..." I said and got up I walked to the fridge and got out the cake that I baked before we left to thank Stampy for being a wonderful boyfriend. I brought the cake to him and his eyes widened making me giggle "I was going to save it for later but I don't want you to explode!" I laughed I set it down on the coffee table and he tackled me in a hug "Your the best!" He praised "Why thank you." everyone came in with plates and we all took a slice. Stampy got the biggest slice for obvious reasons! "Now I've finally actually had cake for breakfast!" Stampy exclaimed happily "Lets make this day national cake day! Every year on this day we will all get together no matter what's going on we HAVE to get together and eat cake for breakfast!" I squealed "I can do that!" Stampy said happily.

Everyone put it into their calendars for next year. "Well we've been all together non stop for almost a day and we've already made a new holiday!" Amy laughed. "By the end of this holiday we are gonna have like 20 more holidays i think!" Squid laughed

Time Skip

The boys are at Tesco buying more sweeties because we are them all last night, me and the girls have decided that tonight is going to be one of the rare nights where we get totally wasted! It's gonna be so fun! We have a whole bunch of red wine and Guinness aka the best beer because it's from Ireland and we all know the Irish drink the most!

(Using a stereotype that is not true because I want too)

We started getting set up for the party and realised we haven't even used our OUTDOOR POOL! We will probably use that tonight.

Tonight is going to be awesome! Hopefully we don't become too crazy. But if we do that's not a problem at all! We are already insane so I don't think alcohol will do much difference.

Time Skip

Me and the girls are getting ready for the party! Yes this is a house party but we still want to look nice it's a party nonetheless! I'm wearing-

"SQUUEEEE! This is gonna be so fun!" Amy squealed "I KNOW RIGHT!" Netty exclaimed bouncing up and down on the bed "SUCH FUNNNNN!" Nicole squealed

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"SQUUEEEE! This is gonna be so fun!" Amy squealed "I KNOW RIGHT!" Netty exclaimed bouncing up and down on the bed "SUCH FUNNNNN!" Nicole squealed. "this is gonna be epic!" I yelled

We walked out of the room and made our way down to the boys who were already drinking Stampy was wearing this-

We walked out of the room and made our way down to the boys who were already drinking Stampy was wearing this-

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Me and the girls grabbed a glass of wine and went over to sit with our boyfriends. "Hey ducky you look beautiful." Stampy said sweetly kissing my lips "Thank you Kitty Cake! You look very nice!" I giggled he put his arm around my shoulders "I have the best girl ever!" He exclaimed making me blush "AWWWWEEEEE SQAMPY!!!!" Nicole squealed as Squid kissed her cheek "AAWWWEEEE SQUIDCOLE!" I squealed back everyone laughed. "We are insane!" Amy giggled! "Tonight is gonna be crazy with a capital C!" Ash announced

Time Skip

Squid tapped his glass and wobbled his way over to the middle of the sitting room "ATTENTION! I HAVE A SPEECH!" He demanded struggling to stand up straight "I just want to invite Stampy up here!" He said and Stampy wobbled up next to him "HELLO EVERYONE LOOK WE ARE ON TV SQUID!" Stampy said pointing at Finball as he made camera noises "Stamps.. Stamps..." Squid said drunkly putting his arm around Stampy "We need to stay fo-focused sir!" He said like a sergeant "Okay okay! Everyone i have something to to sayyyyyy!" He said his speech slurred "This man right here is my best mate!" He announced "I love him! He's the bestest mate any best mate could ask for!" Squid stated then he kissed Stampy drunkly and immediately pulled away and started laughing making us all laugh "Sorry mate I'll save your kisses for that duck over there!" He said drunkly pointing at me and Stampy wobbled over to me and started kissing me I kissed back immediately. "LOVE BIRDS SAVE IT FOR THE BEDROOM!" Amy chirped "I'll kiss my boyfriend whenever i want thank you very much!" I giggled pulling Stampy into another deep kiss. We pulled away and I made my way over to Nicole "Hey Sqaisheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" Nicole said laughing "Haiiii Nick-Nick-Nickbert is that it?" I questioned Nickbert nodded "Ayyyyyyy!" I squealed "POOL PARTY!" Ash whooped and we all followed him and jumped into the pool all at once "MAC MANSION!!!" Netty screamed "YEEEEEE BOOOIIIIIIII!" Rosie yelled.

"IM BLUE BA BA DE DA BA BA BA BA DE DE DAAA!" Squid screamed "IM THE MIRACLE DUCK!" I screamed throwing a ball at Ashs head "OH YOUR DEAD!" He screamed throwing the ball back at me then we had a ball fight. Which at some point the balls turned into popcorn.

"YEAH THIS IS DELICIOUS!" Stampy screamed "AND NUTRITIOUS!" Squid continued "IN THIS WORLD WE ALL WILL UMMMMM DIE!" Nicole screamed throwing m&ms at me "THANKS NICKBERT!" I yelled and ate the m&ms.

"BRUH GIMME SOME!" Squid screamed taking some out of the water and eating them. "LETS HAVE A SHOULDER FIGHT!" Amy squealed "YAASSSSSS!" I replied


Stampy and Sqaishey

Squid and Nicole

Ash and Amy

Netty and Tom

Finball and Rosie didn't want to play

The girls sat on the guys shoulders. First it was me and Stampy versus Squid and Nicole. Stampy lifted me up onto his shoulders and Netty hosted "AND WE HAVE JOSEPH GARRETT AND BETHANY BATES UP AGAINT NICKBERT *insert last name here* AND DAVID SPENCER!" Netty Screamed

"THREE TWO ONE GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Amy squealed I began pushing at Nickbert as she pushed me "SQAISHEY STOP PUSHING ME!" Nickbert exclaimed "THATS THE GAME!" I screamed "Sorry I forgot what game we are playing..." Nickbert laughed

I gave Nicole one final push and she fell into the water

this carried on until we had our winners-

Me and Stampy (Means Squid and Nicole were eliminated)

Netty and Tom (Which means Amy and Ash were eliminated)

and Roseball didn't want to take part

The Final winners was-

Me and Cat! "YAY!" Me and Stampy celebrated as Netty fell into the water "WE ARE DA CHAMPIONS!" We sang laughing.

Time skip

Me and Stampy are heading to bed now it's like 5am and we had a great night! We stumbled into our room closing the door behind us I collapsed on the bed, Stampy collapsed on top of me and started to kiss my neck dirtily making me moan, and well you can probably guess what happened.... Yeah we got a little to dirty....


Sorry this chapter wasn't the best... WRITERS BLOCK LEAVE ALREADY!

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