Disco Night!

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Sqaisheys POV

St- What was everyone planning to do today

N- Well me and Squid haven't planned anything

Ash- Nor have me and Amy

Sq- We haven't either

St- How about we go to a Disco tonight?

Sq- That sounds so Fun

A- I'm in!

N- Yeah it sounds so fun we haven't been out in ages can we go Squid?

S- Watever makes you happy

Ash- I'm coming to!

Sq- I didn't bring any of my Fancy outfits so I need to go to Primark and get a dress

A- Yeah me too

N- All my dresses are either tear or blood stained so me to!

Sq- Right then I guess we are going to Primark will we go to the one in Tesco

N- Yeah

Sq- OFF TO TESCO * Grabs hand bag and flys to door*

Ash- Have fun Girls!

S- Don't buy too much

St- Be Safe! Disco starts at 6pm

We hopped into Nicole's car and drove to Tesco

A- I can't wait for tonight!

N- It's going to be spectacular I went there before and it was so good!

Sq- Yay! Umm can we get back by 4 I'm working on something and I want it to be done for tonight that gives me an hour to do it so then I can have another hour to get ready

A- No problem Quackers it's only 12 now anyway so it gives us 4hours

Sq- Thanks! I love the nickname Amy *laughs* quack quack I like crackers!!!

N- *laughs* you girls are priceless

A- We are here!

We all jumped out of the car and Nicole locked it we ran inside excitedly and went into Primark

Sq- I have a idea!

A- What is it?

Sq- WE PICK OUT DRESSES FOR EACHOTHER!! We all pick out a dress for each person except ourselves!

N- That's a great idea! Let's get shopping!

We split up and went our separate ways I found a lovely hot pink dress for Amy

We split up and went our separate ways I found a lovely hot pink dress for Amy

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Nicole's POV

I found this really cute dress for Sqaishey

I found this really cute dress for Sqaishey

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