Ice Skating

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up tangled in Stampys arms, like every morning and smiled as I remembered what happened yesterday he woke up and smiled at me also remembering yesterday we laughed together and got up happily he came over and pressed me against the wall giving me a good morning kiss well by kiss I mean smooch like I'm the snow golem from Quest but maybe I am smooch maybe I am! But Squid doesn't kiss me that would just be awkward I don't even like squid like that. I put my arms around Stampys neck and We made out for about 10 minutes then broke apart Stampy pressed his forehead against mine so are noses were touching he looked into my eyes as I looked into his "I love you" he said softly giving me a quick kiss on the lips before stepping back and putting his arm around my waist in the same position as yesterday and went downstairs, surprisingly Squid and Nicole weren't up yet usually they wake up before us but hey! It gave me and Stampy some time to cuddle on the sofa together Me and Stampy lay on the sofa together staring into each other's eyes "I love you" I told him he smiled at me and went in for a quick kiss but I wasn't having any of that! I turned it into another make out session.... Who could blame me Stampy is perfect! When we pulled away Stampy laughed "I wasn't expecting that" he exclaimed "Hey I'm not having any silly short kisses!" "I didn't want you to think I'm a creep from kissing you so much" "Of course I don't think that I love your kisses Stamps you can kiss me as much as you like and I won't ever tell you to stop!" He smiled and went in for another kiss which I gladly accepted we made out for another little while "EWWWWW GET A ROOM!!" Squid shouted "You get a room we were here first!" I exclaimed laughing "Enough of the constant kissing!" He exclaimed "No!" Stampy told him and pulled me into another kiss to annoy nugget I giggled in between kisses "MAKE IT STAAAAPPPPPPPP!!!!!" He screamed then Nicole came in "Hun what's wrong oh.... It's ok Squiddy we can do the same!" She exclaimed grabbing his shirt pulling him down towards her and they started making out me and Stamps quietly left the room to make breakfast and see if we can make a fry for them being done kissing it looks like we are gonna be able to as well!

I turned on the hob and started to cook the bacon eggs and sausages Stampy put his arms around my waist and hugged me from behind "Hey Kitty" "Hey Duck" I giggled as he kissed my cheek "I'm so lucky" Stampy said "Why?" "Bethany Bates is my girl and she belongs to me" "Aww Stamps your so sweet" "Not as sweet as you my lovely duckie" "Your so cheesy" "like Ash?" "That sounds very familiar I think you've used that one before" "Yup" he spun me round and kissed me deeply it took me by surprise at first but then I kissed back when I realised what was happening I giggled in between kisses for no reason he pulled away and asked me what I was laughing at "I don't know!" I exclaimed making him burst out laughing as well when we stopped laughing the food was ready, I layed it out evenly onto four plates and placed it onto the table I checked in the living room and they were still making out so me and stampy made a plan there was 2 air horns sitting on the kitchen table, we both take one and I go beside Nicole signalling Squid not to say anything, However, Stampy will be on the other side beside squid doing the same signal to Nicole then we count to three on our fingers and blow the air horns! It's Genius! We sneaked into the living room and did what we had to do it the I counted on my fingers


BLOW! "AHHHHHHHH" they screamed as we doubled over in laughter falling on the floor in hysterics our eyes were watering from laughing where as Squid and Nicole just looked unimpressed. Me and Stampy ended up right beside each other on the floor and we accidentally head bumped "Ow!" That made us laugh even more and Squid and Nicole started laughing.

Le Time Skip

I hopped downstairs wearing-

I hopped downstairs wearing-

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