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Sqaisheys POV

Zack fell over to reveal Nicole standing shakily gun in hand she lowered the gun "Nicole?" I whispered she looked terrified "I-I-I K-k-killed someone" "But you did it save Sqaisheys life!" Amy said rubbing her back a small smirk appeared on Nicole's face "I Saved Sqaishey my best friend!!" I hugged her tightly "Thank you so much Nicole!!" I squealed then snapped back into reality "STAMPY!!!" I ran to his side and saw the state he was in I began to sob "THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!!" I cried Amy ran to my side "QUACKERS STOP BLAMING YOURSELF WHY WOULD IT BE YOUR FAULT?!?!?" "It was me who asked if he was Stampy. It was me who said yes to being his girlfriend and if I wasn't here Melanie and Zack wouldn't have anything against him! He would be fine right now and I would be watching his videos instead of ruining his life!" "Sqaishey one. He wanted you to be his girlfriend two Melanie's always found an excuse to try to kill him three all us MAC can agree that Stampy was extremely depressed before he met you he thought he was going to die alone until you waddled into his life" "Stampy was depressed?" The Mac nodded I sat in shocked silence "Please be okay....... I love you" I cried "Don't leave me Joe. Please." He didn't move I heard the ambulance pull up outside the alleyway as well as some police men who came over to question us they pulled me away alone "Ma'-am I need to ask you some questions about the events today" I nodded "What is your relation to Mr Garret?" "I'm his girlfriend" he nodded and took it down on his notepad "Who is the man with a bullet hole in him" "he's my ex" "and how was he shot" "Why don't I just tell you everything that has happened today?" "Go on then Miss" "I woke up this morning and Joe wasn't beside me so I checked the bathroom and then the kitchen where David and Nicole were therefore I knew he wasn't in his office because he records with David on Mondays so we went to Tesco shouting his name we then got kicked out for being to noisy then we went home and cried I went up to mine and Joseph's room and cried for a while when Squid I um mean David called me downstairs I came downstairs and his parents my parents joes parents and Nicole's parents were there we all started running down the street looking in every alleyway etcetera until we found him in this one all beaten up 'I started to tear up' I ran to him but his ex girlfriend stood in front of me blah blah blah talking and stuff she got really close to me to intimidate me I punched her nose and she called for my ex blah blah blah talking blah blah blah I kicked him in the private area because he said he wanted to rape me like he always says I ran over to Stamp-- uh Joe and kneeled by his side I cried at the state of him I turned around and Zack my ex was running at me with a butchers knife and we heard a Big Bang and he fell to the ground one of my friends shot him and saved my life and then you all came" the police officer looked taken back "Who shot him" I don't want to say because it was self defence and she or he saved my life" Nicole walked over to me "I-I shot him sir" she looked really scared "Your a hero!" He exclaimed Nicole looked relieved "Thank you ladies and don't worry Miss no charges will be pressed against you as it was self defence" Nicole looked so happy "Thank you so much" I ran to Stampy who was now being loaded into the ambulance I tried to get into the ambulance "Sorry Miss Family only" "But I'm his girlfriend" "I'm sorry Ma'am it's just the rules " "Hey can you let her in she's everything to him" his parents asked "Because you are requested by his family you can go in" "Thank you so much" Stampys parents and I got into the ambulance "Thank you so much" "No Problem Beth are Joey loves you and this is what he would want" I smiled at them and grabbed Stampys hand.

"Please be Okay....." I begged I kissed his cheek and allowed the tears to flow down my face Stampys parents looked at me sympathetically "Stampy..." I began "I don't know if you can hear me but just know that I love you with all my heart and I won't leave your side no matter what happens" the ambulance arrived at the hospital and Stampy was rushed into the emergency room I tried to go in but they stopped me dead in my tracks "I'm so sorry Miss it could be dangerous for you to go in there you need to wait out here" I was about to open my mouth to argue but I decided they were probably right I slowly nodded and sat in the waiting room and stared at a wall trying not to cry the whole MAC and the mums and the dads except squid and Nicole's parents came round the corner My Mum and Dad ran over to comfort me and I just let all the tears I was holding in out "Sqaishey wheres Stamps?" Squid asked "THE EMERGENCY ROOM!!!! THEY WONT LET ME SEE HIM I LOVE HIM GOD DAMMIT!!" I screamed letting all my anger out "Beth calm down" My father told me "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE I MIGHT LOSE STAMPY HES EVERYTHING TO ME!!" I screamed "Beth he's not worth stressing over" my dad told me "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY??!?!? STAMPY IS WORTH IT" "Beth it isn't the end of the world!!" He scowled "YES IT IS!! For all you know he could be the father of my children"  "But that would mean you would have to have sex with him" "OH I DIDNT KNOW THAT I THOUGHT BABIES JUST MAGICALLY APPEARED WOOP DE DOOO SILLY ME!!" My dad looked taken back "Beth don't listen to him Joe is worth it he's just moody" My mum comforted me as I glared at my dad tears still streaming down my face the nurse walked out of the Emergency room and walked over to us "Excuse me are you here for Joseph Garrett?" I nodded "Can I speak to you over here Miss?" I nodded and followed her "I'm terribly sorry but Mr Garrett is in a coma" "W-What? This can't be!" "Im so sorry miss but he has a 10% chance of waking up"

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