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Sorry this is kinda late on Monday the Internet wasn't working on Tuesday (yesterday) I wrote a massive chapter then accidentally deleted it😟. Then I re-wrote it and came home and the Internet wasn't even working yet! So yeah a lot of technical difficulties while writing this chapter but I hope you enjoy anyway btw- Thanks for 300 reads!
Sqaisheys POV

We walked back into the living room and I looked at the paintings and smiled. I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

Sq- Guys I'm sorry about that I honestly don't know how he found me and I'm so sorry for bringing all the drama into your lives it follows me everywhere I go and you all probably hate me for it.

St- Sqaishey we don't hate you it's not your fault your Dad is such a asshole

S- Yeah Sqaish you are apart of the MAC we don't hate any of our fellow Magic Animal Club Memberswe love all of them in a friendly way of course.

N- Quackers your my Bestie don't put yourself down

St- Quackers?

Me and Nicole burst out laughing as Squid and Stampy just sat there confused

N- Amy made that Nickname for her when we went shopping

St- What time was that

N- It was the one when we needed dresses for the disco

St- Ohhh

Sq- I'm going out for some fresh air I will be back in 5 minutes

St- Ok Sqaish be careful

Sq- Silly Stampy I'm only going right outside the apartment

I walked out of the apartment and sat on a nearby bench I sat looking at the scenery and turned around to see someone walking towards me naturally I thought nothing of it and sighed but when I turned around again I realized who it was I gasped and I tried to scream but my vocal chords failed me he ran up to me and grabbed me I kicked and kicked at him but he wouldn't let go my vocal chords were still failing me for some reason I couldn't scream. I tried to kick him in 'the private area' but my legs weren't long enough nor strong enough I pinched him 'CHICKEN PINCH!!' I didn't actually say that but I chuckled inside at myself (only I will get that reference so I don't know why I put it on here)

?- Stop it you bitch or your punishment will be worse than I first intended

At that point I just gave in as I had used up all of my strength he threw me into the backseat of his car.

Stampys POV

St- Sqaishey has been gone for a while

N- Yeah I hope she's ok

I got a call from Sqaishey I heard a engine of a car starting up. I put it on speaker phone so Squid and Nicole could hear.

"I finally got you Bethany or should I say Sqaishey Quack!"

"Please let me be I won't tell anyone about it if you just let me go"

"Sorry that's not the plan Beth I want you!"

"Why Me why not anyone else!"

She must have pocket dialed me

" Because I can minipulate (did I spell that right?) you just like I did when we were dating"

"Just leave me alone. Leave my friends alone. Most of all leave Joe alone"

" Sorry Beth I already bought all of the whips and I would be a shame if I didn't get to use them"

*Sqaishey gasps* " Please I have to many scars from you I don't want more"

" We're here!"

S- *whispers* what are we going to do he got Sqaishey

St- *still whispering* we need to find her.

N- *more whispering* don't be mad but I never told you that I'm hiding a gun just in case I don't know why I never told you but it could come in handy!

St- That's Perfect!

*sound from phone*

"Zack! please don't hurt me" Sqaishey sobbed

St- We will track Sqaisheys phone to find her! Squid do you still know how to do that?

S- Yes I will do it know I have a app for it

Squid took out his phone and tracked Sqaishey as Nicole grabbed her gun for me and 2 baseball bats for her and Squid.

N- Lets go kick Zacks butt!

Sqaisheys POV

Oh my god he has a metal tipped whip! I can see all his weapons in the wardrobe I was so scared "Stampy Save Me" I whispered Zack has tied me up to a chair he walked into the room with a creepy smile this is the warehouse he used to take me to when we were dating to torture me I can remember every single beating he gave me in this room I shudder at the memories. "I'd like to see your precious 'boyfriend' to come save you know" "Zack I know you hate me for a reason I don't even know myself but is this really the answer?" "Yes now shut up you stupid whore" Zack whipped my back as I screeched out in pain he did it again and again and again etc etc he then grabbed his cricket bat and slammed it into my side I think he broke it I felt like passing out right there and then but I fought the urge as I remembered my new song 'Jungle' and that encouraged me to not give in to death

Zack started to make out with me and I couldn't get away as I struggled he chuckled "Zack P-P-Please stop you can hit me how much you want just don't make me cheat on Joe" " Stupid Stupid Stupid Beth you really thought I would listen I have wanted to have sex with you for a long time and this is my opportunity (if I spelt that right) to do it"  I sobbed even louder.


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