Crazy Cheese Man

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up tangled in Stampys arms feeling quite snug. Stampy gives me a secure and loving feeling which I have never experienced before I met him. He wouldn't harm a soul unless they hurt someone he cares about that's one of the many things I love about him. Being with him just feels so right and I wouldn't trade him for the world. Stampy began to stir and soon enough his eyes fluttered open and began searching for me, when he saw me he smiled lovingly and gave me a little reassuring squeeze and kissed my forehead "Good Morning Miracle Duck!" He greeted yawning "Good Morning Kitty Cake!" I chirped sitting up and kissing his cheek.

Time Skip

I was sitting eating my breakfast when Stampy and Squid came in with fake moustaches and top hats on, I burst out laughing at the crazy duo. "Step right up to see the cheesy man sing!" Squid said in a funny accent "Only £10 per person to see the crazy cheese sing!" Stampy continued in a funny accent and then Tom and Finball appeared behind them with Ash in a cage "I wanna see the cheese man sing!" I cheered and threw a ten pound note at them.

"Of course m'lady." Stampy said in his funny accent and took my hand, he led me over to the cage and Squid hit Ash with a tiny string acting as a whip. "Sing cheese man!" Squid demanded in his funny accent, Ash cleared his throat "AAANNDDDDD IIIIIIIIII EEEEE IIIIIIII EEEEE IIIIII WILL ALWAYS BEEEEE CHEEEEESSSEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ash sang in the 'I will always love you' Classic tune "YAY!" I cheered.

"What's going on here? I heard Nicole ask behind me "Step right up to see the cheesy man sing!" Squid said in his funny accent "Only £10 per person to see the crazy cheese sing!" Stampy continued they must of rehearsed this. "This I gotta see!" Nicole cheered pulling out a ten pound note "This way m'lady." Squid said grabbing Nicole's hand and leading her over to the 'Crazy Singing Cheese Man'

"Sing Cheese Man!" Stampy said hitting Ash with a tiny piece of string "IM THE BEST DAMN CHEESE THAT YOUR EYES HAVE EVER SEEN!" Ash said sassily in the tune of Avril Lavignes 'Best Damn Thing' Me and Nicole burst out laughing "This is brilliant!" I laughed having to grab onto Stampy for support "Sqaishey are you alright?" Stampy said breaking character a little "I'm fine you know the way my legs feel like jelly when I'm laughing well that's happening so don't worry about it." "Okay."

"What's going on here?" Netty said amused, we turned around and her Amy and Rosie were standing there
so they repeated the act for them.

"I have to say! I never thought that my boyfriend was gonna turn out to be a crazy singing cheese man but I love it!" Amy said happily. "Guys can you let me out now?" Ash asked "Sure thing Dubh." Tom said and opened the cage "Where did you guys get a cage anyways?" I questioned, they all shrugged "We have our ways...." Squid answered mysteriously "You guys are starting to scare me a little..." Rosie said uncertain on what to do.

"Haha we got you! We bought it when we were shopping for stuff." Stampy laughed his famous laugh. "There's the laugh we all know and love!" Amy chirped.

"What should we do today?" I asked, excitedly. "I don't know." Squid responded. "MAC Meeting!" Stampy screamed and we all sat down in the living room to brain storm.

"How about we go to a protest to stop evil people from building a new building in the forest!" Amy suggested enthusiastically "Boring!" Squid shouted "Squid! Don't be rude!" Nicole scowled "Everyone knows not to take me seriously I'm Squid! I don't mean even half of what I say!" Squid defended "That's true." FinBall agreed.

"Lets go to a trampoline indoor park!" Stampy suggested and everyone ran out of the house and got into our mini bus.
They have a mini bus now because I said so. "Well I guess Trampoline park it is then!" Stampy laughed and kissed my cheek "Go get into the mini bus I'll lock up, love" "Okay Kitty Cake!" I chirped and kissed his cheek then ran out and got into the mini bus.

Time Skip

I took off my shoes and ran to the trampolines with Nicole, giggling like crazy! To our surprise absolutely no one else was there! "YAASSSSS WE GET A TRAMPOLINE PARK TO OURSELVES!" I squealed "SQAISHEY LETS TRY AND CLIMB UP THE SIDE OF THE TRAMPOLINES!" "OH MY GOD YES! THREE TWO ONE GO!" I shouted and we bolted to the other end of the trampolines, We both fell flat on our faces and slid down the wall laughing our asses off.

"Round two?" I asked Nicole "Yes Lets do this girl!" She squealed "Come on this time lets hold hands besties stick together!" I cheered and we grabbed each others hand "Lets run to the other wall over there! Three two one go!" We sprinted over to the other wall and climbed up, I successfully got to the top but Nicole wasn't so successful, "NICOLE ILL PULL YOU UP!" I screamed pretending she was gonna die "SQAISHEY IM GONNA DIE JUST LET GO LUVE YOUR LIFE! YOU HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE AHEAD OF YOU!" Nicole shouted

"NOT WITHOUT YOU NICKY!" I yelled continuing to try and pull her up. Some how we started referencing Titanic "DONT LET GO JACK!" I cried "I will never let go *insert the girl characters name here*" Nicole responded. "I love you, Nicole!" I said dramatically "I-I love you too!" Nicole cried and then we both fell down off the wall and exploded into a fit of giggles.

"That was so much fun!" I laughed "I know right!" Nicole replied sitting up "Best Friends Forever!" I squealed and we fist-bumped.

I felt someone pick me up "AAAAHHHHHHHH!" I screamed only to see Stampy bouncing away with me! "NICOLE HELP ME!" I said pretending to be scared "Mwahahaha your mine now Duck!" Stampy said with a funny evil voice, Nicole began jumping after me "GIVE ME BACK MY BEST--- AAHHHHHHH!" She screamed I looked over to see that Squid had scooped her off her feet and was bouncing towards us.

"OH GOSH THIS HAPPENED BEFORE!" I screamed "AMY HELP!" I shouted looking at Amy she turned and started bouncing towards us then suddenly Ash picked her up! Before I knew it all the boys had their girlfriends in their arms bouncing around.

Time Skip

After a long half an hour of Stampy bouncing around with me in his arms he finally let me down and we flopped down on the trampoline beside each other, looking into each other's eyes. Stampy placed his arm around my waist and leaned in, then we kissed.

We broke apart and smiled "Imma do a back flip!" I exclaimed getting up and as I said I would I did a backflip "Told you I would do a backflip!" I laughed "That's my girl!" Stampy cheered getting up "HEY STAMPS COME PLAY POPCORN!" Squid shouted and Stampy ran over to the rest of the boys and I went to the girls "Lets play Marco Polo!" Rosie suggested and we all squealed in agreement.

Amy was Polo first so we wrapped my cardigan around her eyes and ran away "Marco!" She called "Polo!" We replied all together I began climbing up the wall and safely sat myself on a ledge I just watched the game at this point, Amy floundered around and fell over again and again! It was hilarious! She caught Rosie first by walking into her and tumbling her down!

Netty and Nicole were hiding in a corner together and eventually Amy found them, I decided to just reveal myself because there was no way she was gonna be able to climb a wall whilst blind folded!

We continued playing until 7:30pm and decided to go home.

Sorry the ending is rubbish but I'm tired and I want to go to sleep as it is 2:10am usually I'm not tired at this time but I am tonight so goodnight y'all hope you enjoyed!

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