The Affair

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Sqaishey's POV

I woke up to Stampy violently shaking me, "Beth! GET UP!" He screeched into my ear I glared at him, feeling tired of his shenanigans.

"Squid and Nicole are flying over!" He said excitedly, I jumped out of bed "What are you waiting for?! Let's get to the airport!" I said quickly getting changed. Me and Joe got on a bus and went to the airport just in time for their plane to land.

Stampys POV

I watched eagerly, holding up a cardboard sign that said 'CHICKEN NUGGER AND NICOLE' I saw them emerge and stared at Squid as he ran over to us, luggage trailing behind him, we hugged and Sqaish and Nicole did the same.

"Hey Stamps, I need the bathroom, come with me?" He grinned, I nodded my head and we went off to the bathroom leaving the girls to catch up.

We arrived in the bathroom and Squid went into a cubicle, "Joe! Come look at this! Someone left a laser gun in the bathroom!" "A laser gun?" I questioned, walking into the stall, to my surprise Squid quickly locked the bathroom stall, locking us both in there "Dave what are you---" I was cut off by David pushing me against the bathroom stall.

I looked at him in confusion "Wha---" he suddenly started kissing me ferociously, running one hand through my curly hair and the other slipping under my shirt.

I began kissing back, thoroughly enjoying every moment.

I've never felt this way before, this is even better than how Beth makes me feel.

I ran my hand up and down Squids back, pressing my body tightly against his, with the other hand I began undoing his belt, all while still making out with him, he took off his shirt and threw it onto the bathroom floor, I ran my hand down his muscles then quickly took my shirt off, throwing it onto David's, I then completely removed his trousers.

Squid quickly undid my belt as I ripped off his boxers, "Guess I won't be using those again." He grinned, I felt more attracted to him than I had ever felt for Beth.

Am I gay?

Squid gently took my boxers off me, I shivered at his touch, every second was making me want him even more than I already did.

He squeezed my ass and looked at me seductively before kissing me again, and well you can imagine what happened next.

Sqaishey's POV


I was in my apartment, retouching my make up when I heard the door creak open. "Stamps?" I asked, surprisingly Squid popped around the corner "Oh hey Squid!" I said as he approached me, he walked toward me until he was right behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing my neck, I shivered at his touch and turned around, I looked into his icey blue eyes and smashed my lips against his.

I didn't know what I was doing, the next day is my one year anniversary with Joe, yet here I am making out with his best friend with no intentions of stopping.

I ran one hand through his hair and the other was fiddling with the bottom of his shirt, "just take it off already..." He whispered, I immediately did as he said and threw his shirt off of him, he then unbuttoned my blouse and pressed himself against me even more, his hand creeped around my back and unclipped my bra as I took his shorts off of him.

Before I knew it we both stood completely naked in front of one another.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck, continuing to kiss him, he walked over to the wall and pressed me against it, still holding me.

We started moving faster against each other...



And faster....

Until BAM.

You know what happened.

Stampy's POV

I woke up beside Beth, 'Wait it was a dream?!?!' I thought to myself, confused, I checked my phone to see my texts with Squid.... The ones with him and Nicole flying over were non existent... It was a dream... Let's not tell Beth about that one...

Sqaishey's POV

I woke up beside Joe, 'Wait it was a dream?!?!' I thought to myself, confused, I checked my phone to see what time it was.... Wednesday 10AM... It was a dream... Let's not tell Joe about that one...

Get rekt matey.

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