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Sqaisheys POV

*that night*

My head is screaming at me with song ideas! It's 2am and I really want to write all these ideas down but Stampy is asleep with his arms around me and I don't want to wake him. I slid my arm to the corner of the bed and grabbed a extra pillow I threw it at my desk to get my notebook and pen which was attached to it. I pulled the pillow forward and my Pen and Notebook fell onto the bed "Yes!" I quietly celebrated and grabbed the notebook and pen and began writing a whole bunch of songs.

*the morning*

I woke up me and Stampys body's tightly pressed together so my nose was literally touching his I looked down panicked Phew! Our clothes are still on everything is fine! I wonder why me and Stampy are so close


I was busy writing a song I had just finished writing the last sentence this love is ours and Stampy began to stir "Sq- Sqaishey?" He asked obviously confused and tired "Yes Love?" "W-Why are you awake?" "I'm just writing a few songs dear" "Can you go to sleep please I don't want you to be tired in the morning" he asked giving me puppy dog eyes "Only because I love you" I said smiling he smiled back "I love you Duckie" he pulled me really close so our noses were touching "Stamps don't you think this is a bit too close?" "No it is just the perfect distance so I can do this " he kissed me deeply I kissed back great fully he pulled away and whispered "I love you" "I love you too " then he drifted off to sleep and I did the same


I giggled Stampy is so loving. Stampy opened his eyes and smiled sleepily at me "Sqaishey.. How did we get like this?" "I was writing songs last night and you woke up and told me to go to sleep and you kinda just pulled me this close and I asked if you thought it was a bit to close and you said no cause I can do this then you kissed me" "That was very wise of me" he said and pressed his lips against mine making me giggle we pulled away and Stampy rolled out of bed and fell onto the floor me tumbling down after him I landed on top of him on the floor "Hello There!" Stampy exclaimed sending me into fits of giggles He stopped my uncontrollable giggles my pulling me into a long and passionate kiss we pulled away to catch our breaths "I love you" Stampy whispered in my ear "I love you too" I whispered back then I realised me and Stampy were still in a awkward position "Umm Stamps?" "Yeah" "if squid and Nicole were to come in right now they would get the wrong idea" I got up followed by Stamps he put his arm around my waist and we walked downstairs together "Hey Sqaishey!" Nicole exclaimed "Hey Nicky" I replied "I REALLY WANT TO HEAR ONE OF YOUR NEW SONGS PLEASE!!" "How did you----" "Eavesdropping" I nodded "can you show me?" "Of course I will but the boys have to wait come to my office!" "NO FAIR I WANNA HEAR IT!!" Stampy exclaimed crossing his arms "Soon KittyCake Soon" I got on my tippy toes and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips "Go on then!" He gave in me and Nicole giggled and ran to my office

*Time Skip to after the song*

"Sqaishey that was amazing you HAVE to put on a show tonight!" "I don't know Nicky" "I DARE YOU TO PUT ON A SHOW!!!" She exclaimed "And you have to cause its a dare!" She demanded " Fine but I dare you and the Mac girls to be backup dancers!" Nicole Squealed and we ran downstairs giggling excitedly I ran into Stampys arms and we embraced and he pulled me into another passionate kiss I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist we pulled away and looked into each other's eyes "I love you" I whispered making him smile "I love you too" he replied "AWWWW YOUNG LOVE!!!!!!" Squid exclaimed clapping "Squid we are the same age!" Stampy exclaimed "I'm one month older!" Squid said proudly "And Sqaishey is younger than me!" He said again Stampy sighed "Fine you win" he gave in "YAY!!" Squid threw his arms in the air and me and Nicole giggled. We sat at the breakfast table and poured our frostys into the bowl (if you don't know it is corn flakes with sugar basically) "So Nicole dared me to put on a show tonight so I have to do it and I dared her and the rest of the Mac girls to be backup dancers!" I exclaimed excitedly and Nicole squealed again "So basically we will be up practicing all day" Nicole said shovelling frostys into her mouth "Aww! I'll miss you!" Stampy exclaimed "It's OK Stamps I promise I won't be gone for more than a day and besides you two will come to see us perform tonight" I informed "Ok Babe just this once" I kissed him gently on the lips and went back to my cereal.

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