Gallons of Fun

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up wrapped in Stampys arms snuggled into his chest he was still asleep his curls all over the place making me chuckle slightly I want to go get a drink of water but Stampys arms were so comfortable I didn't want to leave them. Stampy turned his body around I was a bit disappointed but also relieved because my mouth was really dry. I got out of bed and went downstairs I turned on the kettle and started making a fry. "Good Morning Squid, Nicole" "Mornin' Duck" Squid said like a cowboy I laughed a little as I was putting the bacon out onto plates and Stampy came up behind me and grabbed my waist "Morning Stamps" "Morning Love" he turned me around to face him and kissed me passionately i was startled at first but kissed back with the same passion "WooHoo go Stamps!" Squid shouted in the background we ignored him and carried on kissing we pulled apart and I gave everyone their food we sat at the table and ate our breakfast in silence I decided this is too quiet for my liking so I took a big loud sluuuurrrrp of my tea everyone burst out laughing including me. We calmed down "Why is it that every time we have breakfast we start laughing?" Stampy asked" "I don't know" Me Squid and Nicole said "JINX PADLOCK INFINITY" we all screamed then we stopped talking because we were all jinxed "Well you've gotten yourself into a pickle now haven't you" Stampy laughed then he said "Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid Squid" "AHHHHH thanks stamps" Squid said me and Nicole looked at them and they walked out of the room then they came back "Sqaishey Sqaishey Sqaishey Sqaishey Sqaishey Sqaishey Sqaishey Sqaishey Sqaishey Sqaishey" Stampy freed me and Squid freed Nicole "Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole" all of our phones dinged it was from the MAC whatsap group






We all looked up from our phones and started dancing around screaming "YAAAASSSSSSS!!!" We ran around the kitchen until we were all out of breathe


Amy- I sent that text half an hour ago what happened???

Sq- omg lol we were dancing around and squealing around the kitchen I didn't realise how long we took! Haha

We all looked up from our phones and burst out laughing

Amy- Makes sense anyways see you there

Sq- OK

We scurried off to our rooms and quickly got ready me and Stampy ran downstairs before Squid and Nicole "MAKE HASTE!" I shouted up to them then I heard them run downstairs we sprinted to the car and started up the engine we arrived at the play thing whatever you call it (I think it's called a jungle gym in America I'm not sure though) we hurried inside and the MAC were all playing inside the play area we threw our shoes off and joined them in the ball pit then we had a full blown war throwing the balls at each other I sneaked away and went down a slide which drops you right into the middle of the ball pit "CANNONBALL!" I screamed coming down the slide I fell into Stampys arms "Oh sorry Stamps that didn't go how I planned it" he laughed and kissed me passionately with passion (WOW SO MUCH PASSION) I kissed back everyone awed at us but we didn't care we are just two youtubers madly in love we pulled apart and gazed into each others eyes while everyone else carried on throwing balls at each other "I love you" he told me "I love you too" he pulled me into another kiss was with the same passion as always we pulled apart and I giggled he put me down "LAST ONE TO THE ORANGE SLIDE HAS TO DO A FORFEIT!!" I screamed and everyone ran off to the slide me and Stampy stayed together we saw a shortcut or what we thought was a shortcut. We ran towards it and it was a dead end then we had to go an extra long route which meant we had to do a forfeit "What happened you two we've been here for ages!" "We thought we saw a shortcut but it was a dead end so we had to go the long route" I informed them they all got in a huddle to decide what are forfeit was gonna be me and Stampy looked at each other nervously knowing well what these people were like they turned to us with creepy smiles me and Stampy took a step back "You have to make out for 45minutes straight!" Squid exclaimed "Oh I wonder who's idea that was" I said looking at squid he laughed and said "Right go on then Stamps give her a big 'ole smooch" this isn't a bad forfeit at all! Stampy pinned me against the wall and began kissing me I kissed back with passionately they set a timer for 45minutes and all left to do their own thing but to be honest I don't think they had to set a timer I could do this all day and I think Stampy felt the same my hands were ruffling up his hair as his did mine and before we knew it the timer went off Stampy turned around and turned the timer off and continued to kiss me my legs were wrapped around his waist "Enjoying yourselves?" Asked Netty from behind us we pulled apart and blushed bright red she laughed at us and ran away "I think we better stop before we get dirty" I told him "Good point I wasn't far off of it" Stampy agreed "Me too" for most people it would be awkward to admit that but with us we are never embarrassed in front of each other. We got up and ran over to the rest of the MAC they were falling down the slide and people held onto their hands to keep them up me and Stampy laughed at the silly sight then all the MAC began laughing meaning the people falling down the slide well fell down the slide I guess followed by the rest of us coming down voluntarily giggling uncontrollably. We decided to have a bite to eat because Amy made us chicken nuggets and chips and it is 6:30pm she gave us all a plate and sat next to Ash I sat next to Stampy On the other side of Stampy was Squid and Nicole and beside me was Netty and Tom across from us was Ash and Amy, FinBall and Rosie we were all digging into our food when Amy tapped her glass and stood up "I have an announcement to make" she said poshly "I told a little bit of a lie" we all gasped jokingly "I didn't rent this place out for the day I bought it and you all have a key!" We all cheered and started dancing around Amy gave us each a key we finished our food and went home.

I flopped down on the sofa Stampy flopping down beside me he put his arm around me and I cuddled into his chest happily "I love you Stampy" "I love you too Sqaishey" I fell asleep on Stampys shoulder.

Stampys POV

Sqaishey fell asleep on my shoulder so I carried her up stairs and changed her into her Pyjammas and put her into bed then I put my Pyjammas on and lay down beside her wrapping my arms around her.

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