A Lit Argument

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Sqaisheys POV

Time Skip to the day of the Holiday

Me and the girls loaded our things into the boot and hopped in. The boys are all going in one car and the girls in the other. We all squealed as Nicole started to drive "THE EXCITEMENT IS REAL!" I squealed."This is gonna be lit!" Amy squealed everyone turned to look at her "Uh what?" Netty said "What is the madness?!?" I exclaimed "Oh my gosh ash was right you guys really aren't with the times are you?" Amy said "We aren't old!" Nicole huffed "Then what does lit mean?" She asked "Uuuhhhhhhhhhh..........." We all said except for Amy

"It means awesome, people get with the times i thought at least Sqaishey would know! She's only 19!" Amy huffed "Hey! It's cause i hang out with all the old 1980's people! If I hung out with the 90's people like me I would know!"

"Ooohhhhh that's just cold!" Everyone said together "I'm just kidding everyone chill!" I laughed

St- Hi Ducky you ok? <3

Sq- I'm fine Kitty Cake how are you? <3

St- I'm alright just making sure your ok :)

Sq- Love you xx

St- Love you more xxx

Sq- xxxx

St- xxxxx

Sq- xxxxxx

St- xxxxxxx

Sq- xxxxxxxx

St- xxxxxxxxx

Sq- Ill see you at the house okay? <3

St- Okay Baby xx



"Awwweeeeeee! SQAMPY!!!" Amy squealed "Amy were you reading my texts?" I giggled "I couldn't help myself it's way to cute not to read!" She exclaimed I laughed. "I can't wait for this holiday! It's gonna be lit" Netty emphasized the lit to make fun of the stupid new word. "Hey lit is a lit word!" Amy defended "I beg to differ!" Netty said back "Lets just all agree to never say lit again." Rosie said "But---" Amy said but the rest of us interrupted her "Definitely!" We said apart from Amy who crossed her arms and pouted jokingly "You guys can agree to whatever you want but i'm gonna say lit whenever I want!" "Ughhhh Come on Amy!" Nicole begged "Nope. I'm gonna pie your suggestion!" Amy said and we all groaned "Whatever" Netty complained

"Lets stop arguing and sing along to the radio!" Nicole suggested and we all cheered. She turned on the radio and 'Human' By Rag'n'Bone man came on and we all started singing to it.

Time Skip to end of song

We all cheered at our bad singing as the song ended and we pulled up to the drive of the 'Mac Mansion' We all squealed and went to the back of the car to unload our stuff out of the boot. Everyone grabbed their own bags and ran inside squealing and giggling. We unlocked the door and stared at the beautiful house in awe "This must of been so expensive! The boys really went all out on this!" Nicole exclaimed "This house is incredible!" I gasped "It's lit!" Amy remarked we all ignored her statement and put all our bags down to check out the house. I headed upstairs where there was 4 big bedrooms each with a double bed and a beautiful balcony. There was different coloured flowers on each balcony which just happened to be our colours! One room had beautiful Yellow and Orange flowers which obviously I am claiming for me and Stampy! Squid and Nicole's room has Blue and Green flowers Netty and Toms had Red and Purple Amy and Ashes flowers were Pink and Yellow and Rosie and Finballs room had Black and Purple colours (i'm guessing their colours)

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