Nice/Traumatic Experience

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up with Stampys arms wrapped around me protectively as if he could lose me at any moment. I played with his curls for awhile waiting for him to wake up. I got bored of this so I did something that would definitely wake him up! I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips his eyes shot open and I giggled "What a pleasant way to wake up!" He exclaimed making me blush I went to kiss his cheek but he quickly turned around and got it on the lips and he made it into a make out. When we pulled apart I giggled "Wow Stamps" I laughed "Hey! I'm not having any of those small kisses I want the real deal!" He exclaimed making me laugh and blush even more he smiled warmly at me filling me with a warm happiness inside that I always get when he smiles. We got up happily and he rushed over to my side and wrapped his arm around me like usual and we walked downstairs happily. "Good Morning Sqampy!" Nicole exclaimed happily "Morining Squidcole!" I said in return we laughed and I leaned my head on Stampys shoulder happily. "LETS GO TO THE BEACH!!" Nicole randomly screamed "YEAH THE BEACH!!!" I squealed and ran towards her we joined hands and jumped up and down squealing in excitement "AHHHHHH MY EARS!!!!!" Squid and Stampy screamed at the same time me and Nicky laughed happily. "I never thought I'd make it this far" They all turned around and looked at me confused "but turn around they've surrounded me it's a showdown!!" I exclaimed jokingly making everyone laugh Stampy walked up behind me and kissed my forehead and put his arm around my waist again making me smile.

"Breakfast is ready!" Squid said as the toast popped out from the toaster "NUMMIES!!!" Me and Nicole squealed together as Squid handed us a plate, laughing. "Wanna invite the rest of the MAC to the beach?" Stampy asked us, Me and Nicole looked at each other and squealed again "YAY!!" We yelled in excitement then ran over to the table to eat breakfast.

~Le Magical Time Skip~

I put on my yellow frilly bikini and then put my clothes on over it. I ran downstairs excitedly then, of course I slipped on the last step but thankfully Stampy caught me for like the billionth time that we've been together in fact we met because he caught me! "Thanks Stamps!" I thanked kissing his cheek as I got up he put his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead "Any time, love" he replied making me smile god I love him! The four of us ran out of the house together laughing like little kids on Christmas Day! (CHRISTMAS IS SOO CLOSE!!)

We piled into the car joyfully. Then it hit me "Stampy did you not say the rest of the MAC were coming?" "Don't worry little Duckie! I texted them and they are gonna meet us done there" I hugged his side "Your the best!" He laughed "I'm the Best King!" "OH NO NOT THE SAPLINGS!" "I ANGER! I ANGER!" Stampy screamed and threw his phone on the floor. "Good Job Stamps" I said sarcastically giggling he looked down at his phone and realized what he had done and cautiously picked it up. "Are we good" I asked referring to his phone "All Good Babe" he said and put the phone into his pocket (OMG as I was writing he put his phone in his pocket I said 'He said and put the saplings into his pocket' XD)

~Your awesome if you get that reference~

"We're here!" Squid exclaimed as the car stopped I swung the door open and jumped outside Stampy got out of the car followed by Squid and Nicole I spotted the MAC and ran over to them "HEY GUYS!!" I screamed "HEY SQAISHEY'" they all replied Stampy Squid and Nicole ran over to us Stampy looked scared as he came up to me "Sqaishey! Don't run off like that I was worried!" "Sorry Love I got excited" I kissed him passionately as a way of saying sorry when we pulled away he said "I Forgive you" I laughed and realised the rest of the MAC were splashing each other in the water in their swim suits. Me and Stampy looked at each other and smiled we both knew what to do we threw off our clothes (we had our swim suits on underneath) we ran over and I began splashing Ash's legs whilst laughing uncontrollably "HEY STAMPS YOUR GIRLFRIENDS ATTACKING ME!!" Stampy turned around and laughed and he began splashing squids legs Squid turned around and splashed back I ran over to Nicole and Amy who were having a one on one water fight and splashed Nicole from behind making her scream with laughter and turn around "DUCK!!" She screamed and splashed me back both of us giggling like mad and screaming I then felt splashing on the back of my legs and turned around to see a laughing cat "KITTY CAKE YOUR GONNA GET IT!!" I screamed running after him laughing he ran away I splashed him like crazy and he turned around and started splashing me back laughing his classic laugh that everyone knows about.

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