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Thank you all sooooo much! I'm actually so happy 😭


I honestly don't know what to say except thank you 💛

Thank you.

Thank you

Thank you


If it weren't for you reading this right now I wouldn't be where I am in life right now 💛

Yes obviously I write the book but I enjoy writing it so so much!

I always love to publish a new chapter at night so when I wake up I can see all the feedback 💛 It makes me feel so happy to see people getting into my story and actually enjoying something I created.

I've never been successful with anything in my life until I created this book.

No my book isn't perfect, there's many things I would change about it if I were to write it again but if I did go back and edit it I don't think that would be staying true to myself and my book 💛 I like to keep things how they were created in the first place so I can look back and see how much I've progressed.

I've grown a lot since I uploaded my first chapter and I'm so happy to have all you lovely readers here to grow with me and you are always so supportive in everything I do and it's amazing and I finally feel accepted in life.

I think we can all agree that my writing has definitely improved since the first chapter and that wasn't me taking lessons or anything, I just carried on going and seeing where it went and how my writing style would change.

There are so many people I want to thank but I wouldn't know where to start and I don't want to get too soppy. I'll save it for another time :)

I'm so happy with this book and I would still be happy with it if it had no reads because while writing this book I have developed not only my writing skills but also I have grown as a person and I'm a completely different person to who I was when I first started out.

I want to do something for this but I am totally unprepared. Suggest anything you would like me to do in the comments.

💛 I don't think I can ever repay any of you for the joy you all have given me over the time of me writing this 💛

💛 Thank You 💛

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