The Break up

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Sqaisheys POV

I sighed as I remembered that we are going back to a robbed house. "What's up Sqaish?" Stampy asked sweetly "We have to go back to our torn apart home, Stampy! What are we gonna do? I don't have a Feather Adventures for tomorrow because they probably took my PC which has 12 episodes that I stock piled! My subscribers are gonna be mad at me for not having a video!" Stampy hugged me "It's gonna be alright they'll find who did it from fingerprints and fingers crossed we'll get all our stuff back." I smiled at him "Your amazing Stamps." I complimented "I know I am." He replied I laughed "Silly Kitty."

We heard a knock on the door "Oh that will be Joes parents" My mum informed "Wait What?" Stampy questioned "We invited them over to get to know eachother better and forgot to cancel" My mum told us we nodded and My mum went to open the door "Hello Catherine, WHAT WAS STAMPYS DADS NAME IN THIS BOOK ONE SEC LEMME CHECK URM I CANT FIND IT SOOOO ILL GUESS George." My mum greeted they walked inside and looked confused when they saw us "What are you four doing here?" Stampys Dad asked "Someone broke into our house and we are just back from the police station." Squid answered they sat down on the over suite and we all chatted happily when the door knocked AGAIN. "I'll get it!" I said and skipped to the door

I opened it and a very upset Amy collapsed in my arms

"OH MY GOD AMY WHATS WRONG!?!?!" She sobbed and fell to the ground everyone sat confused but Nicole rushed over to help "Amy what's going on?" Nicole asked panicked "T-T-T--TOM!"

She screamed stuttering "What's wrong with Tom?" Squid asked confused


She screamed me and Nicole burst into tears and fell on the ground beside her kicking and screaming "NOOOOOO NETTYHAWK IS LYFE!!!!!!" "I CANT BELIEVE HE WOULD DO THIS!" Squid screamed at a wall *If you read Sqampy_dandom 's book you will understand.....* "Netty as in Annette my daughter?!?" Stampys Dad asked "YEEEEESSSSSS" We all screamed upset

Netty ran inside tears streaming down her face "I LOVED HIM!" She screamed collapsing onto the ground sobbing uncontrollably "I THOUGHT HE WAS THE ONE I THOUGHT HE FELT THE SAME!" She screamed "NETTYHAWK IS GONE IT CANT BE IT CANT BEEEEEEEE!!!!" Me Amy and Nicole squealed "Beth why are you so upset it wasn't you who got dumped?!" My dad asked "BECAUSE I SHIP IT!!!" I cried "I CANT BELIEVE HE DUMPED MY DAUGHTER!" Stampys dad said "DONT HURT HIM!" Netty screamed "I STILL LOVE HIM DONT HURT HIM PLEASE DAD!" Netty pleaded "He- He- He dumped you?" Stampy said still in shock


Netty got up and ran out of the house and we all began chasing her -except for my parents- "LIFE ISNT WORTH IT!" She screamed she turned a sharp corner and immediately started running back towards us "ANNETTE JUST LET ME EXPLAIN!" We heard a man shout -Tom- the rage filled inside of me when I saw his face "LEAVE HER ALONE TOM!" I screamed.

he came running after her regret in his eyes "NETTY PLEASE!" He pleaded Stampys Dad stepped out and roughly grabbed him "STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU MONSTER!" He screamed into his face "I HAVE A VALID REASON LET GO OF ME ANNETTE GARRET IS THE BEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME AND YOU ARE NOT GONNA RUIN THIS!" Tom screamed back and squirmed out of his arms.

We saw Netty run back into my parents house as he caught up to Netty and grabbed her hand "Please Nets just let me explain I didn't mean to break up with you!" We were all right behind them "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS THOMAS!" Netty screamed at him the tears rushing down her face Tom bowed his head "WE JUST BOUGHT A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE TOGETHER! I - I - I'm---' she went quiet and looked at the floor Tom looked up intrigued.

"Nets? Tom questioned "IM PREGNANT OKAY TOM?!? YOU GOT ME PREGNANT!" "Oh my god....." I said shocked.


Y'all are so mad at me right now aren't you? PLS DONT KILL MEH!

Sorry this chapter is so short and it took ages to write. If you can't tell Writers Block hit hard writing this chapter I'm sorry it's only 780 words.

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