'Christmas' Concert

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Stampys POV

I woke up and remembered what I promised Sqaishey and I am not going to break it! I am going to throw a 'Christmas' Party well she will think that I'm actually going to tell everyone to come and hear all of her songs! This is going to be perfect! I started a group text on watsap with all the MAC My Family her Family Squids Family and Nicole's Family! And what will I do you ask? I will play the guitar Squid will do the Piano Nicole and Amy will do backup singing this is going to be perfect!

St- Hey everyone I'm throwing a Party for Sqaishey/Beth at around 6:00 tonight she's gonna think it's a Christmas party but it's actually going to be her singing all of her songs who's in?

S- Sounds great mate me and Nicky are in

N- I can't wait she's truly amazing!

A- Yesssss! Me and Cheesy McDubh are there!

SM (Sqaisheys Mum) - Me and Jerry are in its so nice of you to do that she love performing!

St- No Problem :) Also Squid Will you play Piano Amy and Nicole will you do back up singing and I will do guitar?

S- Ok Mate

N- Sounds Fun

A- Yaaasssssss

R (Rosie)- Me and FinBall are down for a good party especially if Duckies performing

M (Stampys Mum) - Yes I will go son it will be amazing

MS (Squids Mum) - Me and Daniel are coming

Net (Netty)- Me and Tom are in!

NM (Nicole's Mum- We will be there that Beth has some talent!

St- Thanks everyone for your kind words I don't know how I managed to be so lucky as to be her Boyfriend.

(I hope I didn't forget anyone)

I have already booked the place it's like a guild hall thingy. I'm going to send the girls shopping so I can get everything sorted out with Nugget. Sqaishey woke up "Good Morning sleepy head" "Good Morning KittyCake!" "How about you and Nicole go and have a girls day I have a lot of recording to do today I can give you money" "That sounds good Kitty but I'll pay for it myself ". "We are having a Christmas Party tonight at 6 so just be back for then" "ok Stamps " she kissed my cheek and headed downstairs.

Time Skip

Sqaisheys POV

It's 5:50 and me and Nicole are getting ready for the Party I got this dress for the party -

It's 5:50 and me and Nicole are getting ready for the Party I got this dress for the party -

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