Good Dubh?

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up cuddled into Stampys chest and he lay with his arms around me. God I love this man so much. Stampy started to stir and his eyes fluttered open. "Good Morning Kitty Cake!" I chirped happily. "Good Morning Love." He greeted doing an over exaggerated yawn, making me giggle. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "I have the best girl ever." He smiled making me blush "Awe Stamps!" I exclaimed pushing him playfully "This is the part where your supposed to say 'No your the best boy ever'" Stampy corrected jokingly "Tough luck." I laughed he fake pouted "I'm only joking Stamps of course your the best boy any girl could ever ask for!" "Yay!"He cheered I just laughed.

He kissed me again, but on the lips this time. We pulled away and started to go downstairs. "Mmmmm I smell a fry!" I chirped, I went into the kitchen where Amy and Nicole were setting out breakfast.

"Tuck in everyone!" Amy exclaimed happily " YAY I LOVE FRYS!" Rosie squealed "OH MY GOD SAME!" I squealed and hugged Rosie "TWINSIES!" We squealed whilst jumping up and down. "BAAAHHHH STOP SQUEALING!" FinBall shouted "Hey! Fangirls gotta Fangirl, FinBall!" Rosie fake scowled.

"It's true doe." Nicole said sitting down "Yeah, if your gonna date a fangirl your gonna have to get used to the squealing." I said plopping myself down on the chair next to Stampy all the boys groaned. "Well I guess every great thing comes with a price." Stampy sighed "Stampy just loves making me blush." I stated "SQUUUEEEE!!" Amy, Nicole and Rosie squealed "SQAMPY IS SO CUTE OH MY GOD!" Nicole squealed "I KNOW RIGHT!" Netty squealed "What about Squidcole? NettyHawk? Roseball? or Ams---- Never mind sorry Amy...." I said immediately regretting what I said "I'm so sorry Amy I didn't mean to---" I said panicked being cut off by Amy "No no Sqaish it's fine.." She sighed "Ill find my true love some day...." She continued.

"So have you guys broken up?" Tom asked cautiously "Wait! When did NettyHawk arrive?" Rosie asked confused "About a minute ago." I answered "Yeah... He called me last night and I just ended it." Amy sighed, you could tell she was holding back tears. "Awe Amy!" I said and ran over to her, I hugged her tight "I'm so sorry Amy..." I apologised "No Sqaishey it isn't your fault. Yesterday wasn't his only blow up. Ever since Stamps woke up from the com Ash has been acting strange." Amy informed us.

All the girls ran over and we hugged her tight. "Lets eat and forget about him!" Amy chirped "That's our Amy!" Netty said happily and we all started eating again.

Time Skip

We were all mingling on the sofa when we heard the doorbell ring....

Ashs POV

I feel so bad for what I did to Sqaishey! And especially for the way I've been treating Any this past while but It kinda isn't my fault. I still feel really guilty about it though. I shakily rang the door bell of the MAC Mansion, I stayed at a hotel last night.

I heard someone coming towards the door and before I knew it Tom was standing by the door glaring down at me "What are you doing here?!" He growled "Tom... I'm so sorry I can explain everything.... You don't have to let me stay but I at least want to explain myself." I pleaded "IS IT OKAY IF ASH COMES IN TO EXPLAIN HIMSELF?!" Tom shouted inside, we heard a bunch of mumbles before Finball shouted yes. Tom escorted me inside and suddenly Stampy and Squid were holding my arms, probably incase I try to hurt someone which is understandable after the way I've been treating Amy and the way I made Sqaishey feel yesterday. Everyone glared at me except for Amy and Sqaishey, they just sat trying to hold back tears. "Everyone I'm so sorry..." I began "You'd better be!" Stampy barked into my ear.

"Explain." Squid said sternly, tightening his grip on my arm. "When Stampy woke up from his coma Zack walked up to me he threatened that if I treat Amy nice he will kill her... and if I treat her badly she lives.... And then he found out about the MAC Holiday and told me to make Sqaishey feel like she has to leave the MAC or again.. He will kill Amy and Sqaishey as well." I said tears threatened to pour out of my eyes but I held them back. Everyone looked at each other as if to say 'will we believe him and forgive him?' "MAC MEETING!" Finball called and they all rushed into a room and locked me out.

Stampys POV

"Should we forgive and forget?" Netty asked cautiously "NO! How can we believe him?!" I growled "Stampy, baby, please calm down." Sqaishey said softly, my heart melted at the sound of her voice and all my anger disappeared"Ok Duckie whatever you say I'll be on your side." I said putting my arm around her "I think he's telling the truth. That does sound like something Zack would do and he is clearly upset about what he did. But the real person we need to ask is Amy." Sqaishey said softly, although I am still angry with Ash I can't go against Sqaisheys word, I mean just look at her, she's incredible, stunning, kind, generous, forgiving and many more wonderful things, suddenly I heard a snap and I came back to reality and realized I was staring at her. "Umm Stamps...?" Sqaishey said giggling "Oh sorry." "I still love him and I think he's telling the truth so let's let him come back!" Amy squealed happily, everyone nodded in agreement "Welcome back Ash!" FinBall announced as we walked towards Ash.

"YAY!" Ash cheered and we all hugged.

Sorry this chapter is kinda rubbish but tbh last chapter wasn't planned at all I just wanted something out for you all and things got out of hand and now this chapter is basically cleaning up my mess hehe. My Plan for the holiday was for it to be nothing but happiness and silliness and I kinda ruined that 😂 I'm gonna attempt to keep the holiday completely happy! Unless i get a good idea... Anyways I'll stop rambling and let you get on with your day.

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