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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up from a notification ding on my phone I sleepily reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone

Dad- Hey Beth can you and Joe come over to ours sometime today?

Sqaishey- I will check with Joseph to see if he has anything planned for today

"Whatcha doin?" Stampy asked in a funny accent "Nothin just texting my dad do we have anything planned today?" "No we don't" "Ok my dad wants us to come up to their house sometime today is that okay?" "Anything you want Babe" I smiled at him and texted my Dad back

Sqaishey- Joe said it's fine we'll be up at around 12:00

Dad- Okay Beth see you soon

I turned off my phone "Stamps we have to be up there at 12:00" "Okay Love" he kissed my forehead and we got up.

Time skip

I walked down the stairs to Stampy waiting at the door for me I took his hand "SQUIDCOLE WE ARE LEAVING" "OKAY BYE!" We walked out the door and got into Stampys car and began the 10minute drive to my parents house

Sqaishey- Put the kettle on we are almost there!
Dad- Ok

When we arrived we walked up to the front door hand in hand and knocked on the door my mum opened it "Hello you two come in and drink your tea!" She rushed us inside and we sat down on the sofa and took a sip of our tea my Dad came in and sat opposite us "Thanks for coming I know I have been a bit of a jerk since Christmas but I realise I was wrong now"  "It's okay Dad we all do stu---" my dad cut me off  "WHATS THAT ON YOUR FINGER?!?!!!" Me and Stampy smiled at eachother "BETH YOUR ENGAGED!???!!!??!!!?!!!" My Mum question screamed "THATS A SHITTY ENGAGEMENT RING BETH YOU DESERVE BETTER" my dad shouted "We aren't engaged these are Promise rings" I informed them "What's a Promise ring Dear?" My mum asked "It's the step before engagement in a serious relationship they can have all kinds of different meanings example mine and Joes mean I Promise to love you forever but say you and your best friend had one it could mean I Promise to always be your friend"  "So when did you start wearing this?" My dad asked "Me and Joe went on a picnic yesterday and he put it in the middle of my slice of cake" "How sweet" my mum said Stampy pulled me in closer to him and kissed my forehead I smiled at him "Anyways as I was saying we all do stupid things sometimes and I understand that" "Thank you Beth. Joe are we cool?" My dad asked "Yeah it's fine as long as Beth's happy I'm happy" I cringed at him calling me Beth "What's wrong" Stampy asked me concerned "Nothing I'm just not used to you calling me Beth" "Ok" "That's all I wanted to say" my dad said "Stamps or a Joe will we head on?" "Yeah let's go visit my parents they don't live far from here" "Ok KittyCake! Lets go see Mummy Stampy and Daddy Stampy" Stampy laughed "Bye Mum bye dad!" "Bye!" They said back I grabbed Stampys hand and pulled him outside excitedly we walked over to the car and Stampy opened the door for me I couldn't help it! I crashed my lips against his which startled him a little but then he got into it we pulled apart realizing my parents were probably watching us we hopped into the car and started driving to his Mum and Dads house.

We arrived at his Parents house and walked to the door hand in hand Stampy rung the doorbell and his Dad came running to the door "Joe! Beth! It's been a while!" He said pulling us into a hug "Hey Dad!" Stampy greeted we pulled apart from the hug and sat in the living room where Stampys mum was we sat on the sofa "Oh hello! I didn't know you were coming!" "Hey Mum" "Hi Catherine how've you been?" "I'm good Beth what about you two?" "We are great" Stampy answered happily "Thats wonderful so what's been going on in your lives lately?" "Not much Mum we've just been hanging about the house getting into flour fights dancing about in onesies and watching movies" "Sounds great! Pretty good life if you ask me!" Stampys dad exclaimed "it's an amazing life!" I said "HOLD UP! Joseph Garret are you telling me that you getting ENGAGED ISNT MUCH?!?!" Stampys Mum exclaimed Me and Stampy laughed to ourselves "Joe I'm so happy for you you found the perfect girl!" Stampys Mum shouted excitedly "Congrats Son!" "Ok Ok Stop your congratulations! Me and Beth aren't engaged" "Then what's that on your finger?" Stampys Dad asked "These are promise rings" "What's a Promise Ring?" Stampys Dad asked "They are the step before engagement in a serious relationship they symbolize that we Promise to always love each other but say of two best friends had them they could mean I promise to always be there for you they could mean anything you want them too" Stampy explained "Sorry for getting excited you two" his mum apologized "It's fine my parents reacted the exact same except my dad wasn't to pleased" "Why not?" Stampys Dad questioned "He said the ring wasn't good enough" "Oh.... So your dads still not accepting your relationship?" "Well he did for a while then on Christmas Day he seemed very angry when we showed him our gifts to each other then he was really pissed when he found out we share a bed but he called us down today to apologize to Joe and I for his behavior so hopefully he will be more accepting of us now" "that's good" his Mum said "Although we might have blew it a little" Stampy said "Wh--- oh never mind I get you" "What happened?" Stampys Dad asked "Weeelllllllll........ Stampy or um I mean Joe opened the car door for me and I couldn't help myself and we kinda started making out but in my defense you were being really cute!" I said looking at Stampy he shrugged and said "Well I can't help it!" Stampy said jokingly I laughed "I know your joking but your actually telling the truth!" "Why thank you Duckie!" We smiled at each other and then realized where we were we burst out into fits of laughter for no reason "Why are you laughing?" Stampys Mum asked "I don't know!" We said at the same time and then burst into more laughter Stampys parents looked confused which made us laugh even more! "Joe....*gasp*....I........can't *gasp*...........Bre-ath" my breaths got shorter and shorter as I started to panic Stampys face went pure white and all joy was removed from his face  "Beth!" He put his hands around my waist to straighten up my body and told me to match my breathing with his I did so and immediately felt better I let out a sigh "Thank You" "My pleasure" we blushed as we realized where we were "No need to blush! It's cute!" His Mum exclaimed me and Stampy laughed "Please no more laughing for at least an hour! You almost killed me Beth!" "Joe it's not that serious I can---" "No Beth if it happens again I'm taking you to the hospital" "But Joe! I don't want----" "Im sorry Beth but I love you too much to let this go un-noticed you need at least a check up" "But Joe I'm-----" "Your not fine" "how did you know what I was gonna" "say?" I looked at him in disbelief "YOUR A MAGICIAN!" I screamed jokingly Stampy laughed then quickly stopped "Stop being so funny! When I laugh you always laugh!" Stampy said trying to be serious "Your really not good at being serious" I told him and he cracked the smile he was trying so hard to hold back "That's the Kitty-Cake I know!" "Oh my god Joe it's 5:00pm! We have to leave Squid and Nicole will be worried!" "Bye Mum Bye Dad!" "Bye you two!"

Me and Stampy hopped in the car and drove home.

It took me all week to write this mostly because I have the attention span of a fish but hey at least I tried right? Also there's the distraction of squids new game #KeepyDucky 😄

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