Christmas Day!

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up at 8:30 and woke up Stampy "STAMPY ITS CHRISTMAS!!" I shouted while jumping up and down on his legs he jolted awake and I grabbed his hand pulling him into Squid and Nicole's room we got party poppers and tip toed into their room Stampy stood at Squids end of the bed and Me at Nicole's. I nodded at Stampy signaling to start the count down I did on my fingers 3 fingers 2fingers 1finger POP "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!" We Screamed their eyes immediately opened in shock "Not cool Sqampy Not Cool" Squid said trying to hide his smile "Come on Squid we can see you holding back your smile!" I told him then we all ran to the stairs "First one down gets to open a present first!" They all started running down the stairs but I was smart and slid down the banister or so I thought I started shaking losing my balance I was about to hit the floor but Stampy caught me at the bottom and kissed my cheek "My Hero" I said happily gazing into his eyes he put me down and we walked over to the Christmas tree "Who won?" I questioned "ME!" Squid said putting his arms up in a cheering motion Me and Stampy sat on the floor opposite them and I handed Squid the present I got him he teared it open eagerly his smile grew when he seen what it was "Thanks Sqaish" he said hugging me he put the plushie on his head and spread the blanket over him and Nicole then he passed me his present I ripped it open and loved what I saw A DUCK PLUSHIE AND DUCK BLANKET! Our presents were very similar "Thank You so much Squid" I said hugging him some people would start thinking we were together but we know that they are just friendly hugs then Stampy handed Nicole her present surprise surprise it was a T-Rex plushie and a dinosaur blanket "Oh My Gosh thank you Stampy" she said hugging him then she handed him her present to him oh and guess what it was! A cat Plushie and cat blanket "we all got very similar things didn't we!" I said laughing they nodded and laughed with me. "Squid your present is over there it's to big to carry" squid walked over to what Stampy was pointing at he opened it up and his eyes lit up it was a figure of his Minecraft skin! Then they 'bro hugged' and Squid thanked him and sent Stampy over to a statue that was a similar height he teared the wrapping paper off of it and gasped "Thank You Squid Nugget" they 'bro hugged' again and Nicole pointed me over to another statue that was a similar height I opened it and seen my Minecraft skin! I squealed in delight and gave Nicole a big hug no words were needed she knew I was really great full then I pointed her over to the dinosaur she teared it open and jumped up and down in excitement we hugged and she hopped on its back "FORWARD GERTRUDE!" She shouted and we all laughed she got off when Squid pointed out the T-Rex he got her when she opened it she started jumping up and down again she gave Squid a kiss and hopped on its back "CHARGE BETTY!" We laughed again and sat back down we let Squid and Nicole open theirs first Nicole handed Squid his onesie first hmm I wonder where she got the idea to sew Belongs to Nicole on the back. Squid opened it and Thanked Nicole then she handed him another present it was a Jumper with his Minecraft face on it and on the back it said Belongs to Nicole he kissed her and passed her a present she opened it and it was a Purple dinosaur onesie with Belongs to squid on the back she thanked him and he handed her the other present it was a Purple dinosaur jumper with belongs to Squid on the backs she kissed him and it was me and Stampys turn then he gave me a present I opened it and it was a Jumper that said Belongs to Stampy on the back I hugged him tight and thanked him he handed me another one and I teared it open it was a duck onesie with Belongs to Stampy on the back I pecked his cheek and thanked him. he handed me a little box in wrapping paper I took off the wrapping paper and opened the box my jaw dropped it was a necklace that said 'I love you Sqaishey' I hugged him tightly and gave him a big passionate kiss when we were done he handed me another tiny box thing and I looked at him in disbelief he nodded and I opened it my jaw dropped again and I started to tear up 'Belongs to Stampy' it said on a beautiful bracelet that I immediately slipped on I kissed him hard making him fall to the ground "you like it then?" He chuckled "No I don't" I said in a serious tone "What?" "Only joking Stamps I love it and you are never going to believe what I got you!"  I passed him the Jumper with 'Belongs to Sqaishey' on the back he saw it he embraced me in a hug and I passed him the onesie that says 'Belongs to Sqaishey' he opened it and thanked me kissing my cheek I passed him the plushie and he opened it he hugged it tight and I pouted pretending to be jealous he gave me a hug and I said "That's better" I handed him the box he ripped the wrapping paper off it and opened the box he slipped it onto his wrist and kissed me passionately knocking me to the floor then we decided to go and get dressed for the Party me and Stampy headed up to our room to get changed we get changed together now because we have already seen each other naked anyways. This is what I wore

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