Bon Voyage!

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Two Days Later..

Stampys POV

I grabbed Beth's suitcase off her as she struggled to carry it downstairs, I rolled it outside and put it into the boot of Squids car.

'HOOOOOOOOOOOONK' erupted from the car making me jump back from the car and scream slightly. "SQUID!" I shouted as I got into the car, Squid was laughing uncontrollably, so much that he had tears rolling down his cheeks "It wasn't that funny..." I huffed "Yes it was...." I laughed at my best friend, he's such a child. The door on the other side of the car opened and Beth hopped into the car.

She smiled at Squid, probably confused as to why he's laughing so much "He honked the horn and scared Stamps, Duck." Nicole said, filling her in "Ahhh, Okay." Sqaishey giggled. "HE SCREAMED AND JUMPED BACK! AHAHAHA!" Squid laughed, wiping the tears off his face. "I can't breathe..."

Today is the day we're leaving for our Holiday in Italy, Squid and Nicole offered to drive us to the Airport as Nicole wanted to go shopping in the Junction near the Airport. Squid argued against her a lot but in the end he finally gave in to his pleading Girlfriend.

Incase y'all don't know a place with loads of shops is called a Junction.

I looked over and took in the site of my beautiful girl, she wore a cream jumper with black leggings, long brown boots and a red neck scarf, her makeup was done in her normal style -Although she doesn't need it - and her hair was done in a slight wavy but also kinda straight style.

I looked over and took in the site of my beautiful girl, she wore a cream jumper with black leggings, long brown boots and a red neck scarf, her makeup was done in her normal style -Although she doesn't need it - and her hair was done in a slight ...

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Sqaishey looked at me, her face glowing with excitement as she bounced up and down in her seat

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Sqaishey looked at me, her face glowing with excitement as she bounced up and down in her seat. I chuckled and put my arm around her, "What are you laughing at Kitty Cake?!" She huffed, removing my arm from her shoulders in a fake huff, she looked at me and pouted, trying to suppress the smile she desperately wanted to let loose "I know you want to smile, little Duckie." I laughed, staring into her ocean blue eyes.

"BOOP!" She shouted and poked my nose then erupted into a fit of giggles. I put my arm back around her shoulders and she snuggled up to me, I kissed her forehead and smiled. "You look beautiful today, dear." I smiled, "Aww Stamps your so sweet, but don't call me dear that sounds like we're old people."

"OOOOHHHHH STAMPS GOT ROASTED!" Squid hollered, we all laughed.

Time Skip

We arrived at the Airport two short hours. "GET OUT NOW YOU CHEEKY MONGRELS!" Squid screamed, deafening everyone "Okay, Okay! We're going! Jeez..." Sqaishey joked, getting out of the car. "QUACKERS WAIT!" Nicole yelled jumping out of the car and tackling Sqaishey in a hug "I'm gonna miss you so much!" Sqaishey said, almost brought to tears.

Nicole started crying a bit too, "I'm gonna miss you too, Sqaish!" She obsessed. They broke apart and Sqaishey looked at me expectantly "Huh?" "Aren't you gonna hug Squid goodbye?" She asked "Ummmm.." I chuckled "AWK, C'MERE STAMPS!" Squid said charging towards me, enveloping me in a hug, almost squeezing the life out of me "STAMPS IM GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH!" Squid said in a girly voice.

"I'M GONNA MISS YIU TOO NUGGET!" I said, also in a girly voice "Right that's it." Squid demanded "Wha---" Squid picked me up and put me on his shoulders "Aahhhhhhhhhh! Squid!" I yelled "IM NOT LETTING YOU TAKE MY BEST FRIEND AWAY FROM ME, DUCK!" Squid exclaimed and started running away with me "HEEEEELLLLPPP!" I screamed, in a girly voice whilst flailing my arms about.

Squid soon ran back to the girls, out of breath "Squid, can I please get my kitty cake back now?" Sqaishey asked, putting on puppy eyes, or should I say.... DUCKY EYES..... AHAHAHAHAHA! No? Okay....

"Hmmmmmm...... On one condition!" Squid exclaimed "Stampy has to kiss my cheek!" He exclaimed "WHAT?!" Me Nicole and Sqaishey said "You heard me!"

"Alright alright, fine!" I sighed, Squid put me down and pointed to his cheek, I shut my eyes, terrified and kissed his cheek "EEEWWWWWWWW!" We both screamed! "I didn't think you'd actually do it! AHA!" Squid laughed, doubling over "SQUID! YOU FORCED ME!" "Well.... Yeah... TECHNICALLY! But i didn't think you would actually do it...." "Right, Whatever." I chuckled I grabbed mine and Sqaisheys luggage out of the boot and we bid Squidcole farewell.

Time Skip

Me and Sqaishey sat in the plane, getting ready for take off, Sqaisheys facial expression changed from pure excitement to pure fear, Sqaishey HATES Airplanes she always gets nervous. I put my hand over hers and squeezed it, reassuringly "Don't worry Sqaishball, we'll be in Italy before you know it!" I encouraged, she turned and gave me a nervous smile and rested her head on my shoulder.

I put my arms around her and tried my best to comfort her as the plane took off.

Goodbye, for now England...


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