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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up to screaming all around me, I immediately jumped up in fear to see that the whole MAC (including Stampy!) Were standing around the bed holding a big cake that said.... wait.... WHAT?!?!

Congratulations on 400,000 subscribers Sqaishey!

I squealed and started to tear up "IS THIS A PRANK?!" I asked in disbelief and grabbed my phone and clicked onto Youtube to check my subscribers.... NO WAY! "AAAHHHH I HIT FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS!" I screamed "WE KNOW!" They all screamed, I got up and continued squealing, Stampy ran up and hugged me, "I knew you could do it Duckie!" He encouraged "I can't believe I HAVE 400,000 SUBSCRIBERS! ME? ME! A LIL DUCKIE!" When Stampy released me from his embrace the whole MAC wrapped me in a hug, the girls were squealing and the boys were congratulating me.

"Aaahhh! My bestie is famous!" Nicole squealed "Wait... how did you guys have time to make a cake?!" I asked in disbelief "Oh we saw you were close to it the day we went to the trampoline place so we ordered a cake in the bakery nearby me, Netty and Rosie snuck off to get it using Nicole as a distraction." Amy said "I can't believe you all realised before me!" I giggled.

"Well we can't take ALL the credit, We realised because the  ISALEXLILYCARLANDRA girls were posting about it." Netty informed "Magic.sqa- I mean Lily posted a really cool edit for you!" Squid said "So did Alex!" Stampy informed "And Carla!" Nicole squealed "Bella too!" Netty announced "I'm so happy! What should I do to celebrate?!" I squealed "Have a four hour long live stream!" Amy squealed "OH MY GOD YES!" I screamed, jumping up and down. "Lets all take a picture with the cake for instagram!" I squealed and brought out my phone.

The boys groaned "Come on guys! Just this once?!" I plead "Alright sweetie." Stampy gave in, kissing my cheek "Fine." The rest of them moaned "Why don't you guys like taking selfies?" Nicole asked "Because I already know I look beautiful I don't need a picture to prove it." Squid said making everyone laugh. "That's pretty accurate." Stampy agreed "We ARE practically super models!" Squid announced. Everyone burst into hysterics laughing.

"Lets stop yabbering and take the picture already!" I squealed and we all bunched up together, I took the picture and posted it on instagram with the caption-

Thank you all so so so much for 400,000 subscribers! That is a HUGE number and I couldn't be more grateful!
Thank You! 🐥💛🐱

I always add the duck heart and then the cat as a hidden message to all the people who don't know me and Stampy are together it means Sqaishey loves Stampy. This is what I think every time she puts those emojis down. "Lets go eat some cake!" Stampy said excitedly "Of course that's what you would want Stamps!" I giggled "Come ooonnnnnn!!!" He whined "Alright Alright Lets go!" I squealed "YAY! Your the best girlfriend ever!" Stampy celebrated I just laughed.

We all walked downstairs and Nicole was about to start cutting the cake "Nicole! Wait a minute I want to get a picture of the cake!" I squealed, she nodded and stepped aside, I snapped the picture and squealed immediately posting it on instagram with the caption-

I have the bestest friends ever! Love you all! #MAC4Life!

I took a minute to have a good look at the cake before it got demolished them devoured, it had my minecraft face in the middle with words saying 'Congratulations on 400,000 subscribers Sqaishey!' around it, the outside was decorated with little duckies and eggs, I'm never going to forget this cake... Ever!

I stepped out of the way and let Nicole cut it as I grabbed a glass of water.

God now I'm thirsty brb imma go take a drink. Ahhhh much better now lets continue the story shall we?

"Sqaishey what slice do you want?" Nicole chirped "I want to eat my face!" I laughed "Wow Cannibal much?!" Tom joked "haha very funny Tom." Netty teased pushing him playfully, "SQUUUEEEE! I ship it! NETTYHAWK!" I squealed as Nicole handed me a piece of my face. "Thank you Nicky!" I thanked happily "Sqaishey who do you trust with eating your face?" Nicole asked jokingly "Well obviously my boyfriend can eat my face!" I joked "YAY!" Stampy cheered and ran towards me then he...... Stampy bit my cheek....... Everyone burst out laughing "Stamps!" "What? You said I could eat your face!" Stampy pretended to be upset "I meant Sqaishey Cake's face! Do you get it cause.... Sqaishey Quack and Sqaishey Cake....?" I said attempting a joke. The room fell silent until Stampy finally broke and burst out laughing.

"Give me some of Sqaishey.. Cake.. then Nicole..." Stampy said I chuckled and Nicole handed him a piece of my face. "Right who is the last person allowed to eat you face Sqaish?" Nicole asked "Well obviously Best Friends eat each other's faces!" I squealed "Awweeee! Best friends eat each other!" Nicole squealed hugging me "No it's BEST FRIENDS POOP TOGETHER!" Stampy and Squid said at the same time, we all burst out laughing.

"Girl friendships are different than boys friendships!" Nicole said laughing "We eat each other and you guys... poop together....." I giggled, Nicole took a piece of my face and then the rest helped themselves. I have the best friends any girl could ever ask for.

I started eating my face and Stampy wrapped one arm around me, eating his cake with the other, I leaned into him and rested my head on his chest, Stampy makes me feel secure, loved and more, I wouldn't trade him for the world. We all moved to the living room to eat and me and Stampy cuddled on the sofa together. I finished off eating my face and realised Stampy was already done, I looked up at him and burst out laughing. "What?" He asked confused "YOU HAVE CAKE ON YOUR NOSE! BAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed, Stampy wiped the cake off his nose and laughed.

"Lets do a vlog!" I squealed, and brought out my camera from beside the sofa. Me and Stampy stopped cuddling and I pressed record. "HELLO EVERYONE ITS ME SQAISHEY AND WELCOME TO A REAL LIFE VIDEO WOOOOOOO!" I cheerily greeted "Today I am being joined byyyyyyyyyyyyyy" "STAMPY!" Stampy screamed "NICOLE!" Nicole screamed "FINBALL!" Finball screamed "NETTY!" Netty screamed "AMY!" Amy screamed "ASH!" Ash screamed "TOM!" Tom screamed "ROSIE!" Rosie screamed "CHOO CHOO!" Squid screamed "Yes choo choo!" I laughed pointing the camera at Squid "Yes I am choo choo." Squid said blankly "Are you sure your not a...... SQUID?!?!" I screamed "HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" Squid screamed in fake horror, everyone laughed, I pointed the camera back to me "Anyways there is a reason I'm making this vlog..... I HIT 400,000 SUBSCRIBERS!" I squealed "Ow my ears!" Stampy whined "Silly Goose." I giggled "I am currently on a MAC Holiday with all these lovely lovely people!" I chirped "She's referring to me!" Netty said jokingly "Haha very funny Netty." "Anyways I just wanted to thank you all and say that tomorrow I will be streaming for 4 hours straight starting at 2PM UK time so be there or.... don't be there I guess.." I giggled "BAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIII" We all screamed and I shut off the camera.

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