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Sqaisheys POV

Me & Stampy arrived home and hung up our 3 canvasses me and Stampy to the left the big one in the middle and Squid and Nicole to the right. Nicole and Squid came downstairs

N- Omg Squid Look!

S- Wow this is amazing

St- A woman painted all of these for only £25

N- I love them!

Sq- Lets play truth or dare!

N- Yeah

St- I go first!

Stampy spun the bottle and it landed on Squid

St- Truth or Dare

S- Truth

St- What was your first break up like? And what age were you?

S- Well I was 20 and I found her sleeping with one of my best friends

Squid spun the bottle and it landed on me

S- Truth or Dare

Sq- I'm gonna be safe and say Truth

S- If you had to who would you marry

Sq- Well that's  pretty obvious

N&S- Yep

Sq- I would obviously marry Nicole

S- She's mine! Squid laughed

Stampy looked disappointed

Sq- I'm only joking! Of course I would marry Stampy I'm just not ready to get married yet.

N- But Sqaishey we were going to be so happy!

Everyone laughed

I spun the bottle and it landed on Nicole

Sq- Truth or Dare

N- Truth

Sq- Who & When was your first kiss

N- It was in 5th Year and it was this idiot named Shawn who kept harassing me and snapping my bra when I wasn't looking and then one day he pushed me against a wall and forced it on me and I couldn't get away. Yuck! It tasted like alcohol!

Sq- What a Pig!

N- Lets Play Never have I ever! Of course without the alcohol

Sq- Yeah!

St- Never have I ever got stung by 10 wasps at the same time

I drank a bit of my Diet Coke

S- How did that happen?

Sq- In high school someone shoved me into the cleaners closet and they had 10 wasps in a jar they smashed it on the floor and locked me in with them.

Sq- Never have I ever cheated on my partner

Nicole drank some Coke

N- Before anyone says anything I didn't cheat on squid it was someone else BUT TO BE FAIR! They were twins and then his brother pretended to be him and tricked me. Also I didn't cheat in a sexual way it was just a kiss

S- *Phew*

There was a knock at the door

Sq- I'll get it!

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