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Warning LONG CHAPTER 2449 words

Sqaisheys POV

I was in dark cave Zack was there and so was Stampy "Let her go!" Stampy Screeched but Zack shot him in the heart and then he ripped off my shirt then my bra he pulled off my trousers then my pants he started making out with me and he whipped off his shirt he took off his trousers then his boxers he was about to put 'it' in me and I woke up screaming next to Stampy "Sqaishey it was only a dream are you ok?"  "Yeah just a nightmare I guess" "Would you like to tell me what happened" I nodded "I was in a dark cave you and Z-Z-Zack were there then Zack shot you in the heart 'I was crying by this point' and killed y-you th-then he r-raped me"  " Shhh it's okay" Stampy said hugging me " I will never die and I will never let him violate you" "I love you Stamps" "I love you too" I snuggled into his chest and went to sleep again

Stampys POV

Villa le time skip until Stampy wakes up

I woke up with Sqaisheys head on my chest I didn't want to move her so I just sat there and watched her sleep she was so cute when she slept I played with her hair and she stirred a bit then slowly her eyes fluttered open "Good Morning Kitty Cake". " Morning Love" " We have too go to the hospital don't we" she said as the smile disappeared from her face I nodded and she sighed " I'm sorry Sqaishey but  we can't just leave it like that or you will regret it for the rest of your life" "I understand Stamps lets go get a cup of tea" "Sounds good!" I said starting to pick her up "Stampy I can walk on my own" Sqaishey protested " Sqaishey I'm not letting you hurt yourself if you couldn't walk last night you won't be able to walk now" Sqaishey just gave in as she realised she couldn't persuade me "Thank you" I said relieved and carried her downstairs Squid and Nicole came downstairs

N- What are we doing today

St- Well I'm taking Sqaishey to the Hospital

S- Why

St- He broke her ribs

Nicole ran over to Sqaishey who was now plopped up on the sofa


Sq- Nicole calm down I will be fine don't go near that man Nicole he will hurt you

N- No Sqiahey I am going to find him and kick him right in the balls NO ONE MESSES WITH MY DUCK!

Sq- Nicole if you go near him he will kidnap him then he will rape you then kill you that's what he said he would do to me infact these are his exact words he pulled a hand gun out of his 'Wardrobe of Torture'  and he said "that's for after I fuck you"

N- But Sqaisheyyyyyyyyy he hurt you

Sq- Nicole it will hurt me if he hurts you because I know it will be my fault so if you want me not to be hurt then you won't go near him.

N- Fine!

St- Ok we better get going Bye Squid Bye Nicole I said as I puck up Sqaishey "Goodluck" They said in unison and we walked out the door I put Sqaishey lying down in the backseat and got into the drivers seat we drove 5minutes until we got there I parked the car and got Sqaishey I carried her in and walked to the lady at the register " Hello I'm here because my friend here thinks she has broken her ribs " " Ok sir go to room 127" (I really don't know how these things work but just go with it) I walked to the elevator and clicked floor 2 and the door closed " Stampy I'm scared" " Don't worry Sqaishey they will fix you right up" " What if they see my whip marks? They will think it was you!" " Don't worry Sqaishey they wont there's no need for them to look at your back" "Ok" the doors opened and I walked 'still carrying Sqaishey' down the long narrow hallway to the room I put Sqaishey down on the bed and sat on the chair next to her and held her hand. Then a doctor came in

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