Unofficial Merchandise

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Sqaisheys POV

Me and Nicole walked around all the stalls, happily chatting and looking at everything "Oh my gosh, Sqaish!" Nicole squealed "Look at these adorable friendship necklaces!" She squealed showing me a star shaped necklace that splits into two on separate chains "Oh my god these are so cute!" I squealed "We need them Sqaish!" Nicole squealed "YES! Lets buy them!" I chirped, picking up a box.

"Oh my god Sqaishey! This shop is adorable!" Nicole squealed, taking a proper look around "Awwww look at these plushies!" I squealed, showing Nicole a dinosaur, duck, cat and squid plushie "How ironic one for each of us!" Nicole observed, picking them up to buy them "We aren't gonna have any money left by the end of this day!" I laughed "True but we have famous boyfriends that love us a lot so we don't have to worry about money!" Nicole joked.

"Aha very funny Nicole we make our own money, I have youtube and you sell your drawings and youtube on the side." I laughed "Lets pay anyways." Nicole smiled and we walked up to the counter, we handed the man behind the counter our things to put through the till "£13.47 Please." The man said, I handed him the money and he handed me the bag with our things in it.

Me and Nicole grabbed our things which he had put in a bag and swiftly left the stall, we burst out laughing for no reason whatsoever and continued looking at stalls.

We came across a stall selling Stampy and Squid unofficial merchandise! Meanie Beanies! Me and Nicole looked at each other both thinking the same thing "Follow my lead." I said, Nicole nodded and I walked over, "Excuse me Miss." I said, giving her a fake smile "I would like to buy a Stampy hat." I said "And I want a Squid hat." Nicole added, the lady nodded at us and ironed a Squid logo onto a green hat and a Stampy logo onto a yellow hat.

She gave us the hats and just as I was pretending to pay her "Oh by the way can I ask you a question?" I asked "Yes." she replied. "How does it feel making money off other people's success?" I snapped, her face went white "W-What do you mean?" She asked "Well I just happen to be Stampylongnoses girlfriend, and here beside me is iBallisticSquids girlfriend, and our men would not be pleased to find out your printing their faces onto shitty products and ripping off their fans for crappy quality hats, your destroying their image!" I yelled.

"It's not against the law so you can't do anything!" She growled "Actually, your breaking two laws here." Nicole stated "And what is that?" She asked, smugly "Your committing Fraud and your breaking a copyright law." Nicole pointed out Don't correct me I'm aware this is completely wrong but tbh idrc dis fan fiction not real life.

"Yeah? What're you gonna do about it?" She asked unaware of how powerful me and Nicole are, I took a picture of her stall on my phone "You two go away and give me my money!" She snapped "Pfffft! No way! You don't deserve any of our money! We work hard for our money you just rip off our boyfriends!" Nicole snapped and an organizer of the event passed, I quickly went and got his attention.

"Excuse me, sir." I said, he turned around "Yes miss?" He asked "Well this woman is breaking the stall rules!" I exclaimed "What's she doing?" he asked "Well we just happen to be the girlfriends of the Youtubers that she is printing onto hats! This is unofficial merch, it's bad quality and it's against the law!" Nicole said, the man immediately kicked the woman out and gave us the money she made.

"We did it Nicole!" I cheered "I hate people who mooch off others' success!" She said angrily "I know right!" I agreed "Wow she made over £1000, Sqaishey!" Nicole gasped "I wouldn't feel right having the money ourselves when it was some poor fans who got ripped offs money." I sighed "What should we do with it?" Nicole asked "Well why don't we call Stampy and Squid and ask them if we can give the money to the rainbow rehiring centre?" I suggested, Nicole nodded.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled Stampys number

St- Heeeelllo?

Sq- Hey Stamps!

St- Hey Duckie, whats up?

Sq- Well me and Nicole shut down this unofficial Stampy and Squid merchandise stall and we got the money from it, the woman had made over £1000 and me and Nicole decided that it doesn't feel right using money that's from fans who got ripped off so we were wondering if we can donate it to the rainbow rehoming centre.

St- That's a great idea Sqaishey! Let me go ask Squid Nugget!

I heard Stampy explaining the situation to Squid and it sounded like he was all up for it

St- Squid is over the moon with your idea!

Sq- Yaaaayyyy! We get to help save the animals!

St- This is one of the many reasons I love you.

Sq- Huh?

St- That's one of the many qualities I love about you, your always so selfless.

Sq- Thanks KittyCake!

St- Right, I better go--- uhhh..... Record with Squid!

Sq- Stampy, what are you doing?

St- Re-recording....

Sq- Okay........


Sq- BAAAIII I guess....

That was weird.... He's up to something... Hmmmmm...

Squids POV

"Stamps!" I yelled "What?" "You handled that the worst way possible! You made yourself sound suspicious!" I scowled "I know..." he sighed "But it's so hard trying to lie to Sqaishey! Who can lie to that face?!" He defended "Stamps you were talking on the phone not face to face!" "I know but I was thinking about her face though..."

I sighed "You never learn do you Stamps?" I chuckled, patting him on the back.

Sqaisheys POV

"That was weird..." I said to Nicole, puzzled with what just happened "What is it Duck?" She asked "Stampy... he was acting really strange on the phone. He was fine at first but when he said he had to go record with squid he was panicking and stuff..." I sighed "Sqaish, I'm sure it's nothing. He's probably just behind schedule, you know how Stampy gets when he doesn't have at least 20 episodes piled up in advance." Nicole pointed out.

"True, true." I agreed "Come on now stop worrying about it and enjoy the rest of the day! This is our girls day! We don't need to be worrying about the boys, they can look after themselves!" Nicole encouraged, excitedly. "Your right, Nicole. Lets just enjoy the rest of the day together!" I squealed.

The shopping will continue next chapter, surprisingly, I didn't think the shopping would last over two chapters 😂😂😂😂

Meh just means I know what my objective is next next chapter so it should be out soon.

You'll never know my objective.....


Well, until I've wrote it and u read it that is.

But still,


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