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More Sqampy proof most people haven't seen :3

Sqaisheys POV

I woke up and slipped out of bed careful not to wake Stampy and went downstairs where Squid was making breakfast

Sq- Morning Squid

S- Good Morning Sqaishey do you want a cup of tea?

Sq- I would love one

S- What do you wanna do today

Sq- I'm pretty tired lets have a day at home

Nicole came downstairs

Sq- Good Morning Nicole

N- Good Morning Ducky

S- Here's your tea girls

Sq- Thanks Squid

N- Thanks

A sleepy Stampy walked down the stairs

Sq- Good Morning Stampy

St- Morning Love

Sq- What date is it?

S- It's the 2nd of August

Sq- Oh No...

St- What's wrong

Sq- I go home on the 4th...


Sq- it's ok your lives will be better without me anyways it means no more drama

N- Quackers! Don't ever ever ever ever say that!

S- Yeah we all love you again in a friendly way but if our lives were better without you then why is Stamps nearly crying

Sq- Stamps what's wrong

St- I will miss you

Sq- We still have Sky Den and Super Happy Fun Times and we will skype everyday

St- Promise?

Sq- Promise

I started to tear up "I'm going to miss you so much this has been the best two months of my life"

St- It's ok I will come visit every time I have free time

I gave him quick smile and looked at my feet

St- Lets just make the most of the time your still here



Me and Nicole high fived

Sq- I'm gonna go get my duck onesie!

I ran upstairs and got my onesie on

St- What do you want to play?



S- Lets all set up our PCs in here and we will play on the Emerald Isle!

Sq- Yeah!

We all ran off to get our computers mine was easy because it's a Mac I carried it downstairs and placed it on the desk then Stampy came then Nicole then Squid.

Time skip to when they are done playing on the computer

"So what do you guys want to do next?" I said turning off my "Let's play truth or dare!" Squid exclaimed "Ok"

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