Awkward Group Chat

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Sqaisheys POV

As Stampy left the room on the phone we began to chat again. "Sqaishey when are you and Stampy going to get engaged!" Nicole complained "What are you on about?" I laughed "I want Sqampy to be engaged!" she cried "Well I don't know I can't see into the future Nicole!" I exclaimed giggling "Buuutttt Sqaishey!" She whined "Nicole I'd tell you if I knew!" I said again laughing she crossed her arms and slumped back into her seat "Anyways moving on...." I said giggling "How are you two?" I asked Stampys parents "We are fine how are you?" Stampys Mum replied "I'm great." I said nodding happily. Stampy walked back into the room and we all look at him intrigued "It was the police..." he began

"And....?" I asked "They found out who did it because of finger prints." he said "And it was....?" Squid asked Stampy put his head in his hands "It's my fault..." he said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Stamps it wasn't you're fault!" I exclaimed hugging him and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

"So who was it?" Squid asked getting impatient "Lee Carson"

"LEE?!?!" Squid yelled Stampy solemnly nodded "HOW IS THAT BASTARD OUT OF PRISON?!!" Squid yelled Me and Nicole looked at each other shocked. L for Lee came and stole all of our stuff. And knocked us out.

"Who's Lee?" My Mum and Dad asked "A disgusting bastard." Stampy said bluntly "Because...?" my mum asked Stampy sighed we all looked at each other knowingly.

"Lee Carson, I used to record with him. Me and Squid were really good friends with him he appeared on both of our channels frequently. Until we got a call from the police we found out he did horrible things and almost destroyed our careers it was all over the Internet that 'Stampy and Squids L for Lee has been arrested for rape' he stalked a woman on Facebook as 'Micheal Duffy' and sent them creepy messages he said to a 18 year old girl 'I was with you today but you didn't know I was there. I know you and I would do anything to make you scream. he then broke into an older women's house she was about 50 he took a pair of her pants and umm... well..... he did things in her pants if you get what I mean by that." he looked to my mum and she nodded her face white "then he raped a younger girl." (the last part didn't happen in real life but the rest of the stuff is true) "But Stampy, there was two people." I said "Lee kept talking to someone called Axel." everyone looked at me confused "Are you sure?" Stampy asked, I nodded.

"I'll tell the police." Stampy said and left the room.

"I think we need a MAC holiday after this!" Squid stated "YES!" Me and Nicole screamed "I'll find a holiday home!" Squid said and hurriedly brought out his phone Stampy came back into the room as me and Nicole were squealing excitedly "Do I even want to know?" He asked "YES!!!" We screamed at him "Go on then" he chuckled "MAC HOLIDAY!" We screamed jumping around "Wait What?!" He said confused "Sorry Stamps I brought up the idea of going on a MAC holiday." "How much is it?" he questioned "I don't know I'm trying to find a place. How did the call go?"  "They found all of our stuff in a abandoned warehouse I think they were gonna sell it. They haven't found Lee and Axel yet though." "YES!" Me and Nicole celebrated "They are leaving all of our stuff at the house now and then we can put it all back." "LETS GO!" Me and Nicole hurried out the door "Bye Mum Bye Dad Bye Catherine, Bye George! Thanks for making us tea!" I exclaimed and me and Nicole hopped into the car me and Stampy in the back of course because Squid gets anxiety if he's not in control. I feel bad for Squid it must be really difficult for him to be on planes.

Stampy got in beside me. He always goes in the middle so he can sit beside me. He's so sweet. He kissed my forehead and put his arms around my waist. He kissed me quickly on the lips and then again but he went longer the second time. "I love you." he whispered "I love you too" I whispered back to him and put my head on his shoulder.

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